in thoughts...

Sunday, November 30, 2003


One big big big problem for Absolut solved!

this must be the true feeling of delayed gratification.

When you expect something, and it's taken away from you, not through anyone's fault, but circumstances.

Then you're given it back.



I don't believe in miracles.
I RELY on them.

posted by Sodium-squared at 11/30/2003 03:10:00 PM

Thursday, November 27, 2003

bogged down... so blogging it down...

feeling very bogged down by stuff... maybe it's the effect of exams... but comparing my exams this sem and past sem exams, it's just longer by 3 more days... maybe it's the overwhelming feeling of a lack of time to prepare for camp... and have to keep trying to fill up sudden vacancies for the camp... and all the possible things that can go wrong... all the things that are suddenly not confirmed so I've to think of possible alternatives in case what I need really doesn't materialize.... argh...

damn, i suppose anyone who's trying to organize anything bigger than a 3 people outing will face these problems... whiney whiney...


Now I'm super afraid of getting messages that start with "Hi Joanna... I've got something to tell you... "

Oh, thanks Sunshine for the homemade barley water.. had a fun time looking at the personalized cup and sucking up barley bits... haha... remember 2 rabbit ears and 2 bee buttocks... ;) thanks, took my mind off exams n camp, even if it's just a while... ;)
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/27/2003 10:21:00 AM

Saturday, November 22, 2003

A chocolate conversation remembered...

just had to write this down before I forget... found it quite funny when the conversation took place...

there was one day that JM, Gardenia's "daddy" came to SWAPS table with a half-finished pack of chocolates, asking if anyone else wants to eat them.

So I asked, "Why you don't want already ah?" and he said, yah, he had enough of them. Then as some information tidbit, he added that a social psychology lecturer had said during the first social psych lecture that people derive the same satisfaction from eating chocolates as they do when they have sex. It's because both activities (eating chocolates and having sex) stimulates your brain to release endorphins, if I remember correctly... That's supposed to make you happy...

So I looked at JM and asked, "Wah, then you ate until enough already, you must be quite 'satisfied' huh?" - lots of mischief intended... ;)
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/22/2003 01:58:00 PM

Bittersweet chocolates... Literal "Food" for thought...

was quite tired from studying IO yesterday... too many chapters, too little time, too little interest left, too much stress accumulating... so after Gardenia went off, i went to Co Op to look see look see and buy stuff to munch...

saw lotssssssssss of Pooh & Friends merchandise... the Co Op people damn smart... exam time sell this, sure got people buy for their friends or buy for themselves loh... heh... that's where Sunshine bought me marshmallows from... but din see my box design there anymore... hehe... my one says on top: "Wondering brings a smile." which is very apt cos:
1. I probably smile when I wonder about stuff.. ie think about stuff...
2. I like to wonder about, as in walk around to explore places...
3. Cos it's from Sunshine, and in her blog i was wondering what she was wondering about... ;)

anyway I bought a box of cookies just cos the metal box is so cute and nice... haha... should stop myself from going to Co Op until the pooh bear merchandise run out... ;)

oh and i bought a book by Oscar Wilde... quite sad, classics selling for $3.90... it's like great literary work is only worth that much... i think my pooh cookies cost about the same... but well, low prices make them more accessible to poor folk like me.. haha.. and when i'm feeling too poor to buy classics I suppose I can go to the library... Anyway I read the first chapter of the book cos I got too bored with the stats bit of IO Psych... and damn, the stats bit didn't come out at all for today's paper...

and I bought bittersweet chocolates... Droste was the brand I think... started to like bittersweet chocolates after E gave me bittersweet Kit Kat chocs once... But this Droste brand one is good... when you're eating it, it tastes very rich, but not the type that gets stuck in your teeth... the bitter part comes in the aftertaste... quite cool... and to ease that tinge of bitterness you'll pop another bittersweet choc into your mouth... just for that few moments of sweetness that you know will soon become bitter again...

someone once told me first love is like bittersweet chocolate. I forgot who. Damn this sleeper effect - you remember the information, but you forget the source of your information.

saw the words on the packaging of the choc - there were many many different languages stating the ingredients... no I wasn't checking the calories stuff, but I just saw the German words for the ingredients... cool... I'm always very delighted to see German words on anything... my laptop adaptor, food packaging, electronic stuff, plastic bags that warn that children below 36 months of age should not play with it... just feel very happy that I know how to pronounce the words, though my vocab is damn bad and I don't understand what I'm saying...

It's kinda weird and cool at the same time...
You're saying a whole chunk of words that's completely coherent and meaningful. You don't understand a single word that's coming out from your mouth, but somewhere, someone does.
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/22/2003 01:48:00 PM

Friday, November 21, 2003

In times of stress...

Hmm, this round of exams... sigh... a little afraid of the turnout... put in a lot less effort and time this round... Even my friend who sees me once a week for 2 hour lecture icq-ed asking me to take care, and that she could sense that this sem I'm more bo chap and heck care about studies... Hmm... that obvious huh... And I can predict, even without psychic powers, that results this sem wouldn't be as good as previous... but I was telling this friend, I feel I've gained a lot this sem... my nett gain outweighs any potential losses... I've taken on more stuff this sem... maybe I bit off more than I could chew, but I'm still happily munching, just that the chewing gets tough the couple of days before each exam... Today I have Mission Impossible Task of finishing my IO Psych studying, but hell, I'm still blogging...

Received a cute box of Pooh & Friends marshmallows from Sunshine yesterday... so sweet... I mean, both the act her giving to me and er, the marshmallows are kinda sweet too... haha... thanks... and thus in times of stress, like now, I will learn to take it easy... The two "Bready" gals cum angels never fail to crack me up with laughter... and thanks for the "revision" of JS as well as some new info on CBT & ABC...

"A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil -- but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small silly presents every so often -- just to save it from drying out completely."
Pam Brown

hmm, Pooh marshmallows dun count as small silly presents... ;) quite important actually... haha..
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/21/2003 12:23:00 PM

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Hafta get it out of my head...

Must clarify something about all that concern over the 2 entries of
"Loading.... Loading... 100% Matrix Reloaded...." 13 Nov 2003 &
"I'm Natural, seeking to become Genetically-Modified..." 14 Nov 2003.

I'm fine, really... No hard feelings... In fact I'm glad I wrote about it, and I'm glad to hear everyone's views... and Shiyun, I DIN COME FROM DUSTBIN, thanks... haha...

It's just this thing about cognitive dissonance of sorts... the discomfort of having my thoughts and my behavior (well in this case it's predicted behavior) contradict themselves...

I've always been a loudmouth about how I feel towards war... always felt that, for instance, (just for example huh... I seek to be semi-politically-correct... haha...)one life of an American is in no way better than one life of a Japanese... one life of a non-Jew is in no way better than one life of a Jew...

and you know how Orwell's "managerial" pigs say, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."

so I strongly advocated equality...

yet the very choice I wanted to make to save ONE person instead of 25 000 others is to say that the ONE life is BETTER, WORTH MORE compared to the culmulative worth of 25 000 others...

That really got to me for a while... I was, honestly, a bit disgusted that I can say one thing and then possibly choose to do another...

But I read your comments and yah, maybe it really is the situation huh... whether it's everyday life or a situation of life-and-death catastrophe...

Just had to get it outta my head so I can study... wah anyway my social psych exam yesterday sucked... which I see as a bad omen of sorts... for the last 2 sems, both of my first exams earned me my highest grade out of the 5 modules... wah, that pattern better not hold true this sem, or else I can see what my grades this sem are gonna look like... haha...
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/18/2003 01:58:00 PM

Get Real!

This blog entry is specially for 2 people, E & WonderWoman... though I hope we'll all get Real... (read below to understand)

To E, because she has taken a very Big and Bold step (well, at least it seems that way to me) towards her happiness!

To WonderWoman, because I hope she will take her own Big and Bold step towards that someone... hehe... ;)
And here's a bit more for you.. though it would have gone much nicer with my other blog entry on "Reasoning out reasonable reasons for the unreasonable..." on 19 Oct. But anyway...

"The heart has its reasons which reason does not know."

and by the same guy again...

"People are usually more convinced by reasons they discover themselves than by those found by others."
Pascal in "Pensees"

So while I'll still try to convince you of you-know-what, ;) I hope you wun try so hard to counter-reason... haha...

To all other people, just read and enjoy... taken from my social psych textbook, personal postscipt of author David Myers, though he didn't say where he got this passage from...


When someone "loves you for a long, long time," explained the wise, old Skin Horse to the Velveteen Rabbit, "not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real."

"Does it hurt?" asked the Rabbit.

"Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful. "When you are Real, you don't mind being hurt."

"Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked, "or bit by bit?"

"It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't often happen to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."


Hmm... My naivety in love feeds on such material...hahah...
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/18/2003 01:06:00 PM

Friday, November 14, 2003

I'm Natural, seeking to become Genetically-Modified...

Check out my blog entry "Loading.... Loading... 100% Matrix Reloaded...." on Thu 13 Nov before reading this one... Read also the comments by Zee and Sunshine...

I must say this is the type of controversial stuff I've been bracing myself for... to realize that my opinions, and sometimes my values, may differ from my friends... But it's good to know... Though in the light of that entry, I do feel kinda small - not physically, but morally... That I had recklessly decided to throw away 25 000 lives + hurting people related to those 25 000 people...

Was doing revision for Social Psych today, though revision is not a good word to use cos the chapters I read today, I'm seeing them for the first time... Anyway, was reading the chapter on Altruism: Helping Others...

Well basically altruism is "a motive to increase another's welfare without conscious regard for one's self-interest"... my choice to save my loved one is self-interest, while Zee and Sunshine's choice to save the 25 000 lives is genuine altruism...

Then I read the part, where the explanation for evolutionary psychology comes in... it says "Our genes dispose us to care for relatives in whom they reside." So if I choose to save my mom instead of 25 000 other people, I'm "natural" - nature predisposes me to behave this way... that is if you buy the evolutionary psychology viewpoint... That didn't say anything about me wanting to save my friends or my lover... Another aspect of evolutionary psych says that we tend to help people with physical similarities, as they share common genes with us, as manifested in the similar physical appearance... Also we share more genes with our neighbours rather than foreigners - according to the book... So I'll be more likely to want to help someone living near me, rather than a foreigner...Hmm... maybe that can explain me wanting to save my friends rather than the 25 000 lives elsewhere...

All this gene talk - damn... My ancestors didn't evolve much before they passed the genes to me or what?! From now on, you are entitled to call me "Miss Cavewoman"...

Yet I have the feeling that if I asked my mom, she would rather I save the 25 000 lives than save her... Just a VERY VERY STRONG GUT feeling that she'll say that... So where did I get my selfish genes from??!!

What can I say.... I'll seek to modify my genes... and hope that my next generation gets more altruistic... haha...

I'm Natural, seeking to become Genetically-Modified...

"Fallen heroes do not have children. If self-sacrifice results in fewer descendants, the genes that allow heroes to be created can be expected to disappear gradually from the population."
E.O. Wilson in "On Human Nature"
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/14/2003 11:45:00 PM

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Keeping Life Perspectives in Check!

Just got this in my email - share share...


A long time ago, there was an Emperor who told his horseman that if he could ride his horse and cover as much land as he liked, then the Emperor would give him the area of land he covered.

Sure enough, the horseman quickly jumped unto his horse and rode as fast as possible to cover as much land as he could. He kept on riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. When he was tired and hungry, he did not stop because he wanted to cover as much land as possible. It came to a point when he had covered a substantial area and he was exhausted and was dying. Then he asked himself, "Why did I push myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only need a very small area to bury myself."


I once saw a poster that read:

We spend all our youth chasing money. In old age, we spend all our money chasing youth.

well... I'm having blog diarrhoea today... haha....
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/13/2003 09:56:00 AM

We Cannot See Beyond the Choices We Make...

Went for dinner with Bread clan on Sunday... was very fun generally except for the part when my stomach felt real bad... think it was the Borsch soup thingy- dunno how to spell... never drinking that again... Anyway, we went to sit at Swensens after that, and I was just sitting there while Gardenia and Sunshine chose their ice-cream... One of them made a remark that the tower ice-cream thing looks nice... so they spent a very long time deciding the flavors... Until they suddenly realized that they didn't want the tower ice-cream thing that much, and wanted chewy choc sundae instead...

They spent so much time deciding on something they didn't want actually... But we all realized this in the end... haha...

It's like what we learn in social psychology - your behavior sometimes creates your attitudes... partly cos of the reasoning that goes on in your head - "I'm spending so much time and effort over this thing; I must REALLY LIKE this thing or WANT it a lot to be so concerned about it!"

Something from the Matrix - how the Oracle always says that we cannot see beyond the choices we chose to make... The initial choice of the tower ice-cream blocked out, at least for a while, the alternatives of other ice-cream...

Was reading about social psych, Consistency and Commitment, how we choose to stick to our initial choices, even after it seems irrational to do so and may not be to our benefit to do so... especially when we have made a stand publicly, we choose to stick to that stand, to appear consistent...

Like all those stories we've heard about the woman who chooses to stick with her drug-taking, alcohol-drinking, wife-bashing husband... and some of these women are still convinced that they're happy, that things will turn for the better... just because they can't see beyond the choices they made...
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/13/2003 09:42:00 AM

Loading.... Loading... 100% Matrix Reloaded....

Dunno if you guys have watched Matrix Revolutions, but if you're planning to but haven't done so, I'll not be an ASS and start telling you what happened... So, will write something based more on Reloaded, since it cropped up as a topic when we went to watch Revolutions...

S and D were discussing if it was selfish of Neo to choose to save Trinity over Zion at the end of Reloaded... Let me try to get the facts right, from what I heard... Zion will still fall eventually, and when it does, Neo and Trinity, who are from Zion, will probably do down with it... Saving Trinity will do nothing to advance the cause of saving Zion... Neo chose to save Trinity...

Well, for me (and I think S also right?), I think since Zion's gonna fall anyway, might as well save Trinity... I remembered I said this when we were discussing this - "Life is meaningless without the one you love." Sounds cliche and idealistic, but hey, I'm speaking for Neo here... Look at him in Reloaded - not all that macho loh... The start of Reloaded when their ship first returned to Zion, Neo and Trin wanted to go off for some, erm, fun together, but Neo was mobbed by this whole group of people, they said:

Trinity: They need you.
Neo: I need you.

This, is classic of Neo's feelings throughout Reloaded. At least that's how I feel. He wouldn't make it with she wasn't there...

And there's the classic question, IF you had the power (as if you ever will), would you choose to save
1) Your best friend/lover/family member from a fatal car accident OR
2) 25 000 people from an earthquake?

I will choose Number 1. Call me selfish, call me whatever you want. If I choose Number 2, that will be the beginning of Hell on Earth for ME. I'll be HAUNTED DAILY by the fact that I made an ACTIVE choice NOT to save my loved one...

Another star appearance of something from my fave cognitive tutorial - yes the counterfactual thinking one (I'm hooked on this topic, dun throw stuff at me please)

A woman has a heart attack at home and dies. If nothing else cropped up, and her husband reached home at his normal time, he would have been able to rush her to the hospital for help and save her.
Would you blame her husband MORE if he:
1) went to have a quick drink at the bar before heading home OR
2) was stuck in a traffic jam?

Most people, according to the article, will blame her husband more if he went for a drink... Because it was an ACTIVE choice on his part to go... Being stuck in a jam, he's INACTIVE... nothing he can do...

Not a very parallel comparison to Neo's choice, cos there's no weightage of human lives... But that's how I feel...
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/13/2003 09:11:00 AM

The Fat Black Line that's hard to cross...

Hmm, read SY's blog that day on The Thin Red Line... it's about limits... about how people can cross your limit, that makes you never wanna be friends with them anymore...

I thought about it for very long... still can't really think of my Thin Red Line... But I think it's probably like, very very jialat betrayal, or like SY said, when people do bad things to my family or friends...

Thinking in the reverse, some people who did something to make me feel that they're really really my true friends, it's very very hard for me to not befriend them, though they may do something very very bad to me... That's my Fat Black Line... It's hard to cross the Fat Black Line...haha... it doesn't even have to be that they did something very great or life-changing for me... it's just simple things that have made me feel like they're friends I wanna have for the rest of my life... And for this group of friends, whoever they may be, there are very few things I'll not do for them... I've a friend who wrote in his Friendster profile that "Give me a backrub and you have a friend for life."

Sometimes it's just so easy to be on the right side of the Fat Black Line... ;)
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/13/2003 08:41:00 AM

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Your mind makes it real...

Heh... This is my 50th blog entry... Yah, I actually went to count.... haha... can't believe I actually had so much crap to say...

As this is a "milestone" of sorts, this entry shall be what I think is more typical of my style - act chim buay chim... MUHAHAHAH....hmm, this is in reaction of SY's comment that my style has changed recently... dun feel any change leh, just that now I add in more of my daily activities... must let people know more about my mundane life mah, since no paparazzi will bother to report on mine... haha...

Since I'm gonna catch Matrix Revolutions on Monday (YAY YAY YAY!!!), will write something related to part of its concept. I'm taking a module called Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and someone posted over the forum some quotes from Matrix:

Neo: I thought it wasn't real.
Morpheus: Your mind makes it real.

It just happened that my own forum submission had a little to do with this. Certain countries and companies practise what is known as "affirmative action" - where members of certain minority groups or protected groups will be actively recruited and considered for selection in employment. And so there is the term preferential selection, where if let's say there is one vacancy left in the company, and there are 2 candidates A & B, with similar qualifications, if A belongs to a protected group, the company employs A rather than B.

The thing is, there is some stigma attached to accepting preferential selection. The thinking goes like this: if you need to depend on affirmative action to get the job, that means they didn't exactly employ you based on ability, and therefore, you are probably a cut below the rest, ie, not that good lah...

There was a study done on this, where they led people to believe they had been selected for a program based on preferential selection, even though some of them were not beneficiaries of affirmative action. These people ALL inferred, that other people who knew they had received affirmative action, will see them as being less competent.

From there, 2 reactions occurred:
1. The "beneficiaries of affirmative action" succumbed to "expectations" and performed poorly.
2. The "beneficiaries of affirmative action" worked harder to make a good impression and to "disprove" negative expectations. This happened when they were confident of their ability.

And so, it doesn't matter what reality is really like, it's how you perceive it, AND THEN, how you react to it.

Give me the Red Pill anyday, and I'll show you how I react.

An afterthought and added NOTE:
It's really true that your mind makes it real.
See my entry "Discovery..." on 2 Nov 2003.
I realised the "dried scallop" in Old Chang Kee's curry puff was a chunk of chicken meat.
It was dark and rainy and stormy when I was eating the curry puff, I felt cold and miserable, and I suppose I wanted nicer stuff than potato in my curry puff, plus lousy eyesight, the result is the delusion that I saw dried scallop.
Dang, it even tasted like dried scallop. See? THE MIND MAKES IT REAL!!!
I apologize if I had caused any undue mad dash to buy Old Chang Kee's curry puff for the "dried scallop" in them.
And NO, I was not paid by Old Chang Kee to give false information to boost sales.
From what I see, they're earning well, and anyway, not a lot of people access my blog anyway.

posted by Sodium-squared at 11/08/2003 06:29:00 PM

Friday, November 07, 2003

Grinning to myself...

Just got a call from my tuition kid's mom...

He topped his class for Maths, got 92/100.
He got 86 for Science.

I'm in the library, and I can't stop grinning to myself.

Somebody stop me, before people start thinking I'm a bloody lunatic.


posted by Sodium-squared at 11/07/2003 06:20:00 PM

Thursday, November 06, 2003

On Flies and Lights...

I dunno why I'm still writing blog when I:

have a test at 8am tomorrow and I'm not very prepared.
promised to pass my friend essay outlines by tomorrow but they still need improvement.
have a psych write-up due tomorrow midnight which I am still in the process of researching... and procrastinating... I mean, I'm just not starting on it.


Before I went home I saw D and A. D was telling me to try to get to know the person who irritated me (see previous blog entry, "Irritated..." 3 Nov 03)... I said, "Try lah, huh?"

Hmm, actually the situation's not so bad... It has yet to reach the point that I will run when I see him... and I doubt it will ever reach that point, haha... I am still fully capable of holding completely civilised conversation with him without blowing my top (oooh, the imagery of that is cool... me blowing my top...) It's just that at the point when he irritated me, it just felt very irritating... haha... that's all... maybe it's just me to exaggerate... oh well...

So, by the time I reached my home bus stop it was 7+pm, and it was already dark... Just beside the bus stop there are 2 poles for the RC at my void deck to hang banners, and so there are 2 spotlights on the grass that shine up at the banners to illuminate them... And because it is near the grass, there were many small fly-like insects buzzing around the 2 spotlights...

I dunno about you, but I personally find flies and fly-like insects very IRRITATING.
I dunno about you, but I actually found the sight of the fly-like insects flying around the light source quite nice. Because the fly-like insects were nicely illuminated, they looked like luminous flies, fireflies, if you like...

So, maybe this is it: You can actually perceive irritating people to be less irritating than they really are. Just step back, look at the situation from a distance, you might even find it amusing. Hah.

You just have to see them.... in a good light.

Haha, I meant both the flies and irritating people. I did not intentionally try to compare anybody to flies or fly-like insects though... Please do not misunderstand me... ;)

Thinking of fireflies made me think of a quote from my "The Duchess of Malfi" literature text that we did in JC. A comparision of glory and glow-worms(which I suppose are fireflies)...

"Glories, like glow-worms, afar off shine bright,
But look'd to near, have neither heat nor light."
"Bosola", John Webster in "The Duchess of Malfi"

Well, what it means (if I remember right) is that there's actually nothing much to glory - they seem like a big deal from far (they look nice and bright from far) but actually they're nothing much (No heat, no light, not that fantastic actually...)

So... Maybe that was what happened... I blew the whole thing out of proportion... the things he said and did, it seemed like a big deal, but actually, it's a small matter.

I'm appeased... and kinda pleased that flies in front of a light source can be so much food for thought.
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/06/2003 10:16:00 PM

Monday, November 03, 2003


wah, actually didn't want to write this... but now really feeling a bit buay tahan...

when I wrote my entry on 21 Oct 2003: "10 Ways to Irritate Joanna", actually I wasn't thinking only of my tuition kid, B, because there was another person who irritates me as much, just that this person lacks the kiddy charm that B has over me most of the time... But I was thinking, he hasn't irritated me in quite a while, so maybe I shouldn't write how he irritates me...

Then today, again... it's all the things he chooses to say... it's the way he chooses to say it... wah... can't stand it... he knows I get irritated, and he'll PURPOSELY do more of it... I think he finds it funny...

He'll say or do something, which I find ridiculous, and I'll tell him, then he'll be like, "why?!!"
I'll be like, "you mean you didn't know that blah blah blah will result in bloo bloo bloo??!!!" and he'll act blur for a while more, before he says that he's amused that I actually thought he didn't know blah blah blah will result in bloo bloo bloo...

You know what? It's opposite to the story of the Boy who cries Wolf.
The more times you try to act blur and stupid, the more convinced I am that you are blur and stupid.
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/03/2003 05:25:00 PM

The weekend past...

hmm... busy weekend... totally packed... felt as if I was always rushing to go somewhere... don't like that feeling...

Went to give R tuition in the morning. She was okay, but kinda distracted by her brother who was playing computer games. Didn't seem to be worried about exams, though I am a bit worried for her... her work's not very consistent... but oh well, I don't think I'd be glad if she was too worried about exams...

Took a bus to Harbourfront straight after tuition... had to call Db using the public phones cos I still didn't have my line back... managed to find the location where they were trying out the Absolut games... tried out a couple of games... felt the hot but somewhat comfortable sun... unfortunately I was wearing a tee shirt with short sleeves, so now have a bit of funny arm tan...

Received a couple of calls from SY regarding the bazaar we were having on Sunday... but that meant she called Db and D, cos I din have my phone... apparently there were some last minute changes in the information... felt that the other organization is very hard to work with, as the different people kept saying different things... of course we wanted to make money out of this opportunity, but that didn't mean we were at their beck and call... the way they were operating, I felt very tempted at a few points to just say, "forget it, we'll forgo the money-making opportunity this time..."

Absolut trial ended earlier than I expected... So I was quite happy that I could go home before it got really late, laze around, talk on the phone... though I had a headache on the bus ride back... actually it started a bit after dinner at Harbourfront, but it got quite bad on the bus, so I... SLEPT on the bus again!! haha... sleep solves my problems... haha...

So by the time I got home, no more headache, not very sleepy, so I talked to SY a while then went online... slept at 12+...

woke up at 6am to reach bazaar site at 8am... in the end, fell asleep on the train, until the train reached Boon Lay, I suddenly woke up. Was wondering why the door not closing... then I realized people were strolling into the train... then I realized I was at Boon Lay... went past my stop already... So I just got up and out of the train... but realized after that I should stay on the train and wait for it to go back... haha... was really not yet awake... so I moved back into another cabin... so no one can recognize the blur block who in a groggy state didn't know what she was doing and where she was going...

Reached the right station at 8am sharp and thought, "shit I'm gonna be late"... So I walked super fast to the bazaar site instead of waiting for the bus... reached there, at first din see anyone from our side, then suddenly saw G in Burger King... after a while SY and PL arrived, then Yv and Jv... wah, it was so disorganized at the start I think I got quite irritated... different people from the other organization were giving us conflicting messages... we shifted here, shifted there, took out the stuff, then put back the stuff... but after that we got settled down and started biz... it was ok... think Yv makes quite a good salesperson... always smiling and polite and friendly.. haha... I think I still had a bit of the groggy-grouchy look... haha...

Left at one-plus and I thought, "shit I'm gonna be late for tuition"... and indeed I was... and couldn't call the mother of my tuition kid to tell her I'll be late... and it seems a bit rude... but I din have my phone with me.... to stop at one of the stations, get out of the train to make a call will delay me even more... somehow was hoping that the train will suddenly pick up speed, cos it did seem somewhat possible that I might actually be on time... but no... I was late by 20 or 25 minutes... good thing the mother is quite an understanding lady...

The trip home took very very very long... first I waited for the bus for very long... then the bus trip itself took very long... dang... but a very cute boy sat in front of me during one part of the bus trip... he kept asking his mom where they were going... how far was it... like that commercial on tv about the kids asking the dad if they reached the destination yet...haha... it seems I always get to see cute kids when I return from tuition...

What a loooooooooooooooong weekend.
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/03/2003 05:10:00 PM

Sunday, November 02, 2003


Old Chang Kee's curry puff has dried scallop in it!!! Never did realize.... yummy... haha...
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/02/2003 09:18:00 PM