in thoughts...

Monday, November 03, 2003


wah, actually didn't want to write this... but now really feeling a bit buay tahan...

when I wrote my entry on 21 Oct 2003: "10 Ways to Irritate Joanna", actually I wasn't thinking only of my tuition kid, B, because there was another person who irritates me as much, just that this person lacks the kiddy charm that B has over me most of the time... But I was thinking, he hasn't irritated me in quite a while, so maybe I shouldn't write how he irritates me...

Then today, again... it's all the things he chooses to say... it's the way he chooses to say it... wah... can't stand it... he knows I get irritated, and he'll PURPOSELY do more of it... I think he finds it funny...

He'll say or do something, which I find ridiculous, and I'll tell him, then he'll be like, "why?!!"
I'll be like, "you mean you didn't know that blah blah blah will result in bloo bloo bloo??!!!" and he'll act blur for a while more, before he says that he's amused that I actually thought he didn't know blah blah blah will result in bloo bloo bloo...

You know what? It's opposite to the story of the Boy who cries Wolf.
The more times you try to act blur and stupid, the more convinced I am that you are blur and stupid.
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/03/2003 05:25:00 PM

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