in thoughts...

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Half of an Airhead, three-quarters of a Pea-brain...

Monday - Stats II Class...
Went in for a regression tutorial without reading up on regression... Tutor assigned each pair of students one part of a question... I was sitting beside my project group mate, who's quite smart, so though he also didn't have a clue what regression was about, some flips of the lecture notes, two minutes of discussion, and eventually an answer by another student for a similar question, CONFIRMED that we were on the right track and our answer was correct...

Managed to catch on as the tutor went through the tutorial, so it was like a crash course on regression... heh... feeling extra sense of "profit" cos I had skipped that lecture, did not read lecture notes before tutorial, but actually managed to gain something from the tutorial...

I should be feeling guilty from not keeping up, especially when it's so near exams... haha...

Wednesday - Cognitive Psych Tutorial
Had read the assigned article way back, when I first got the notes at the beginning of the semester (Shout KIASU at this point... or MUGGER! haha)... aiyah, was lacking intellectual material to read at that point... and after like 3 months of hols I had a short-lived sense of "I SO wanna work hard!" feeling... haha... anyway...

Had only a hazy recollection of what the article was about... told Db on Mon that this was one of the most interesting articles assigned in Cognitive tutorials... read the article again on Tuesday... well, tried to lah, but fell asleep on the bus... as usual...haha...

Had come to school early in the morning to try to complete the tutorial, as well as do the one for IO Psych... Did not work out well... did half half of everything...

Cognitive tutorial - Lousy turnout of class... 6 people out of a usual class of at least 20... Tutor asked question, looked around, I answered. Not a very good answer, asked me to try again. I did. Still need to modify. This other girl in class, S, tried her answer. Bingo. Question 2. I knew answer. Looked around. Everyone else's head down. I answered. Tutor said correct. He elaborated, pointed out other examples, asked for examples, S, me and A, a girl I knew from my Stats II class, we contributed. Tutor decided that "that corner" of people very quiet. A girl from that corner answered. And so it went on... This is one cognitive lesson in which I talked most... good thing it was an article I liked... We were joined by 2 girls who were late by 30 minutes... but they talked, so wasn't that bad...

Hey Db, I still think itz a very interesting topic... will blog on it later... oh and you know what? Tutor said, not very likely that we'll be tested on tutorial stuff... itz just supposed to make us read more widely and make things interesting, though he said he couldn't be sure... haha... oh well... at least he was an interesting tutor...

Wednesday - Lunch, 1 hour break before IO psych
wanted to eat fast fast then do the rest of my IO psych tutorial... cos only finished half...
BUT... didn't lah... sit there... crap crap laugh laugh with HY and D... in the end... nothing much done...

Wednesday - IO Psych tutorial
First half of tutorial was ok... cos I did my work, the article was quite common sense, can crap... anyway D happened to be in my small group, he was very "zai", so I din have to talk much...
Second half of the tutorial - the part I didn't do... All the specific terms came up... Din know what the HELL was going on during my small group discussion... SYg saw my "lost" look, which I think was quite apparent, from the way I was desperately flipping through my book hoping the answer will jump out at me... so she sort-of explained the stuff to me... THANKS (if you happen to be reading this...hehe)!!

CONCLUSION in the Middle of the Week: I'm half of an airhead. And maybe three-quarters of a PEA-brain. HAH.

posted by Sodium-squared at 10/29/2003 08:40:00 PM

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