in thoughts...

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Reasoning out reasonable reasons for the unreasonable...

While I was studying for my social psych test (yes, that was quite some time ago..), came across this bit that read:

"Wilson and his co-workers (1993) had people choose one of two art posters to take home. Those first asked to identify reasons for their choice preferred a humorous poster (whose positive features they could more easily verbalize). But a few weeks later, they were less satisfied with their choice than were those who went by their gut feelings and generally chose the other poster."

Myers, David G., Social Psychology (7th Edition), McGraw-Hill, New York, 2002

And I thought, maybe it's the same with love? Sometimes we reason so much:
I'm with him because he gives me security.
I'm not with him because he can't make me laugh.
I'm with him because he loves me more than I love him.
I'm not with him because he's not good-looking.
I'm with him because he can provide for me.
I'm not with him because he's too good-looking for me.
I'm with him because I can't live without him
I'm not with him because he's too serious.
I'm with him because he won't hurt me the way my ex did.
I'm not with him because he's not serious enough.

Above sentiments are not my own... But I've heard them enough times to provide a lousy survey of why people are or are not together...

Maybe Love's not about reason.

Darn, Love must be unreasonable then.

posted by Sodium-squared at 10/19/2003 03:05:00 PM

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