in thoughts...

Friday, October 03, 2003

Keeping ourselves happy...

Sometimes it's so hard...

Today my friend V spoke to me in the morning, saying that she may be interested to go overseas after finishing her Bachelor degree here, to do a psychology degree.. So she was asking about psychology stuff, and I tried my best to answer... She did very well in A' Levels, so she's hoping to get a scholarship overseas based on that... I don't know if that's possible, so I couldn't tell her much about that... But I could tell that she was excited about this prospect, so I told her to go try and check things out...

In the afternoon, I saw her on ICQ, she was already having doubts... Just now, evening time, I think both her parents poured cold water on her hopes...

Perhaps she was influenced... maybe she had sudden wish to go overseas because her elder sister just received a scholarship to do her Masters overseas... Partly because she hasn't been happy since she went to Bizad... She's been wanting to study overseas, be it on exchange or further studies...

It's hard sometimes to hold on to our happiness... to hold on to our hopes... sometimes we really just need hope.... even if it can't come true... at least it keeps us happy, at least for a while...

I can just imagine V griping about this many years later... so I told her just to give it a try, go and find out more information about requirements... I think she should try now, perhaps it will work, rather than many years later, complain about the whole string of wrong moves she made...

Believe in yourself... it's damn freaking important... so much is at risk when you don't believe in yourself... self-esteem is hard to regain once you lose it...
posted by Sodium-squared at 10/03/2003 08:08:00 PM

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