in thoughts...

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

What's cool and what's not?

Yesterday I went to a junior's house to play again... sing karaoke, play bridge, play mahjong(though I didn't really catch how to play that), play carrom(which i was really bad in)... It just sort of struck me that singing karaoke, just a couple of years back, seemed to me an activity for families late in the night, or middle aged people needing some entertainment... well, apparently university students love it.... or maybe it's just my university... which makes me think, what's considered cool and what's not?

"We were twelve or thirteen, and had recently discovered irony - or at least, what I later understood to be irony: we only allowed ourselves to play on the swings and the roundabout and the other kids' stuff rusting away in there if we could do it with a sort of self-conscious ironic detachment... If you could somehow prove that these childish entertainments had the potential to dash your brains out, then playing on them became OK somehow."
"Rob", Nick Hornby in "High Fidelity"

Sometimes you just need a strong popular personality to convince you that something is cool and fun... it'll take an even stronger personality unafraid of peer pressure to not engage in that activity this strong popular personality is suggesting... or if you're open to ideas, you might just play along and realize the fun in the activity...
posted by Sodium-squared at 8/06/2003 12:48:00 PM

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