in thoughts...

Monday, July 14, 2003

How I wish I had....

I watched a show a long time ago, and this character that Wu Da Wei David was playing said this line that I remember till today... not the exact words, but something to this effect: "老了没有回忆不要紧,留下一大堆后悔就不太好了..." - "It's ok not to have no memories when you're old, but it wouldn't be that great to be left with a whole lot of regrets."

Of course I want memories, I don't agree with that part of the sentence... But I'll rather lose my memory than have it filled with my regrets... It may sound a little stupid to be thinking about regrets when I’m only about 20, but hey, I don’t really want to end up on my rocking chair many years later wishing that I had set out not to have to much regret in my life… So I’m starting a bit early, thinking about this..

I suppose the most painful type of regret would be something that you can't make up for, even if you try... a choice that has resulted in unhappiness, or letting happiness slip away... and we read about this so much in emails... I don't know if it's having an effect on anyone else... but it does remind me from time to time to cherish the people around me... I once wrote a poem when I was in secondary school... it's about regret... but finding consolation... maybe it's human to reduce the pain of regret by consoling ourselves that things are not as bad as we imagine....

It was too late, he realised.
He looked at his mom and cried.
So many things he wished he had done,
Yet the chance was gone, never again to come.
All the words he wished he had said,
But now it was too late, too late.
For now Mom lay still, with her eyes shut,
The thought brought tears and pained his heart.
He wished he could turn back the time,
And return to the days when Mom was alive.
But wishes were things of the past,
Something he believed in before Mom breathed her last.
He longed to cry in her comforting embrace,
But all he was left with was the pain time cannot erase.
He knew it was too late, too late,
To tell Mom how much he loved her.
But he whispered the words near her ear,
And hoped somewhere in Heaven Mom would hear.

The thing about the poems I wrote last time is that I always try my darnest to make them rhyme... won't bother changing anything now... doubt I can make it better... not bothered about dolling my words up with literary devices... the idea's there... that's all I care about... that the message gets across...
posted by Sodium-squared at 7/14/2003 04:29:00 PM

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