in thoughts...

Thursday, June 19, 2003

To Talk Or Not To Talk... That's no longer my question...

I used to be real talkative... ask my primary school or lower secondary friends... they'll tell you... I don't know what happened in my upper secondary school years... I became serious I think, and I started not to know what to say to people... Sometimes I think that when I talked a lot last time, I was talking crap, bull-shit, silly stuff, and eventually I decided that I should show my intelligence(haha) and not talk so much stupid things... Gradually I became quieter...

To Talk or Not To Talk - that's no longer my question... my question is: WHAT TO TALK ABOUT?

I'm still talkative when I'm with some of my friends... mainly old friends who knew the talkative me... But there's one exception... this friend I've known for less than half a year till now... when we got to know each other at camp both of us were very quiet... I remember at one point of the camp she asked me, "Why if I don't talk to you, you also don't talk to me?" Hahah... I can't remember how I replied... but within the length of the camp, we talked more... other people still think two of us are super quiet people... but when we're together now, we have plenty to say to each other...

Yak Yak Yak Yak...
posted by Sodium-squared at 6/19/2003 07:48:00 PM

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