in thoughts...

Monday, July 14, 2003

Caught in a dilemma...

I had this conversation with my camper just that day... she was asking me if I will go after a guy if I really really like him... I told her no, because I feel that if the guy likes me, he'll go after me... If he doesn't go after me, he's not worth my going after him... If guys happen to be reading this, please take note...;) I think I'm speaking for quite a group of girls by saying that... It may be the 21st century and all, but love is primitive... I'd rather slowly learn to love a guy who loves me, than try to convince a guy to start liking me.... I told my camper that for me to like a person, he first has to be a friend...All these I've mentioned in my previous entry on "Loving Singlehooooood"...

My camper agreed with me, then we started getting bothered by what that means.... If we like a friend, we'll not "chase" them, but instead wait for him to make the move... yet all this time we have to hide our true feelings, and continue to be just a "friend" until, Ta-Dah, one day, he suddenly wants to be more than friends... But what if he doesn't want to be more than friends? we came to the conclusion that we'll just leave it as that, because we don't want to risk losing a friend... In case that friend gets "scared" and doesn't even want to remain friends anymore....

Going back to my entry on regret, will I regret not telling this person that I like him? I don't know... they say the relationship that never began will always remain the sweetest and most romantic... because of all the possibilities that did not get to be explored... Maybe I'll regret not being able to love that person in that special type of way, but perhaps as a friend he'll hold a very special place in my heart... and if anything can take that regret away, it'll be to see him happy with his own girl... But sigh, if he's unhappy with his love life, that'll add to my regrets too...
posted by Sodium-squared at 7/14/2003 04:51:00 PM

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