in thoughts...

Monday, July 28, 2003

R.E.A.L. – Reality Escapes Actual Life

What’s real and what’s not? I think we wonder from time to time… What with The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, The Truman Show, and all the philosophy by the philosophers, this question pops up ever so often… Maybe the life we’re living, the things we’re touching, the air we’re breathing, are all not real… Maybe it’s all in our minds… Maybe some higher Being is determining how we see the world, controlling and distorting the truth…

I would like to know… Is someone, God, The Engineer, The Architect, another Being, a TV producer, dictating our lives? Is there Providence? Is our destiny predetermined? Is our imagination our limit? If nothing is real, and our will power is the key, is there nothing we can’t do? But if we pit will power against the higher Being governing our lives, who will win?

Those are just some things I’ve yet to figure out… And The Matrix movies are not helping, because I don’t think they’re that well-thought out, at least not carefully enough… If nothing is real, and if just though your will power, brain power, true belief in yourself, you can leap across buildings, what stops all the “enlightened” people from flying? Why is it only Neo can fly? If nothing is real, gravity is just something your mind tells you exists, right? Even Death is not absolute, since Neo managed to save Trinity from death…

“At me too someone is looking, of me too someone is saying, he is sleeping, he knows nothing, let him sleep on.”
'Vladimir', Samuel Beckett in "Waiting for Godot"

The “enlightened” people in Zion try to “save” people still living in ignorance, still stuck within The Matrix. This higher level of knowledge makes it as if the people in Zion are superior to those in the Matrix. But what if they are still within the system? What if the higher Being had planned on people in Zion learning about the Matrix but not discovering that they’re still within the system? Maybe there are different levels of this Matrix… Maybe another group of people are looking at the people in Zion, and shaking their heads at their complacency…

R.E.A.L. – Reality Escapes Actual Life… But wait, which is Reality and which is actual Life?
posted by Sodium-squared at 7/28/2003 03:10:00 PM

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