in thoughts...

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

School again...

Sometimes school feels fun... like now... because everything's in a mess now... not yet organised... everyone still in a semi-holiday mood... only lectures for the first week, no tutorials yet... more friends this year that I see around... getting books in the crowded bookshop... squeezing with people in canteens, on buses...
First thing this morning at 0745... the first shuttle bus inches to the bus stop I'm at... a couple of people, myself included, managed to squeeze up the already crowded bus... the bus driver says "You're all educated people arh, if cannot squeeze up you know must take the next bus OK?"
Welcome to N*S... where even the bus driver uncles talk about education, civilisation, brains, IQ, manners....
posted by Sodium-squared at 8/12/2003 10:21:00 PM

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