in thoughts...

Sunday, October 19, 2003

Why attached people seem more attractive...

Was just thinking how girls always like to say the good men are either attached, married, gay or dead... Hah, maybe the guys are thinking the same thing about girls...

Here's my take:

That sounds damn sad.

Well, just take a look around you... I'm sure there are great personalities who are still unattached, not yet married, maybe divorced... Maybe you haven't really seen them for who they really are... Maybe you haven't made the effort to get to know them... Maybe you're thinking, "If he/she is really that great, why is he/she still unattached? Must be he/she got some problems - abusive/bad temper/uninteresting..."

And when you spot this person you find really attractive and boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife material, and find that they are attached or married, you think, "Aiyah! I knew it! Too good a catch! Already taken!" It's like a confirmation of your good taste...

Then if you're unattached, you look at yourself and think, "I'm not attached, not because I'm not nice/good/attractive/charming/interesting/desirable, but because... THE TIME IS NOT RIGHT!"

Fundamental attribution error at work? Maybe.
posted by Sodium-squared at 10/19/2003 02:36:00 PM

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