in thoughts...

Saturday, October 11, 2003

feeling lazeeeeeeee.............

Was out for tuition the whole of today... During my travel time on the bus i was feeling very hardworking... i actually bothered to bring my "blogbook", a book i use to write "scraps" of my thoughts, before they fly away.... haven't written in so long, but so much to write, i just have to jot them down before i forget...

when i came online, i went to read someone's blog... now i'm feeling lazy... i just discovered this blog, so there's a whole long list of archives.... reading good blogs make me feel lazy to write my own... can't even be bothered to capitalize my 'i's.... will try to blog in a while....

saw a beautiful sunset on my way back from tuition... lovely... din have my camera or my bro's digi cam with me... so sad... when i have the camera i get rainy days or clear blue skies devoid of clouds.... darn....
posted by Sodium-squared at 10/11/2003 10:37:00 PM

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