in thoughts...

Monday, November 03, 2003

The weekend past...

hmm... busy weekend... totally packed... felt as if I was always rushing to go somewhere... don't like that feeling...

Went to give R tuition in the morning. She was okay, but kinda distracted by her brother who was playing computer games. Didn't seem to be worried about exams, though I am a bit worried for her... her work's not very consistent... but oh well, I don't think I'd be glad if she was too worried about exams...

Took a bus to Harbourfront straight after tuition... had to call Db using the public phones cos I still didn't have my line back... managed to find the location where they were trying out the Absolut games... tried out a couple of games... felt the hot but somewhat comfortable sun... unfortunately I was wearing a tee shirt with short sleeves, so now have a bit of funny arm tan...

Received a couple of calls from SY regarding the bazaar we were having on Sunday... but that meant she called Db and D, cos I din have my phone... apparently there were some last minute changes in the information... felt that the other organization is very hard to work with, as the different people kept saying different things... of course we wanted to make money out of this opportunity, but that didn't mean we were at their beck and call... the way they were operating, I felt very tempted at a few points to just say, "forget it, we'll forgo the money-making opportunity this time..."

Absolut trial ended earlier than I expected... So I was quite happy that I could go home before it got really late, laze around, talk on the phone... though I had a headache on the bus ride back... actually it started a bit after dinner at Harbourfront, but it got quite bad on the bus, so I... SLEPT on the bus again!! haha... sleep solves my problems... haha...

So by the time I got home, no more headache, not very sleepy, so I talked to SY a while then went online... slept at 12+...

woke up at 6am to reach bazaar site at 8am... in the end, fell asleep on the train, until the train reached Boon Lay, I suddenly woke up. Was wondering why the door not closing... then I realized people were strolling into the train... then I realized I was at Boon Lay... went past my stop already... So I just got up and out of the train... but realized after that I should stay on the train and wait for it to go back... haha... was really not yet awake... so I moved back into another cabin... so no one can recognize the blur block who in a groggy state didn't know what she was doing and where she was going...

Reached the right station at 8am sharp and thought, "shit I'm gonna be late"... So I walked super fast to the bazaar site instead of waiting for the bus... reached there, at first din see anyone from our side, then suddenly saw G in Burger King... after a while SY and PL arrived, then Yv and Jv... wah, it was so disorganized at the start I think I got quite irritated... different people from the other organization were giving us conflicting messages... we shifted here, shifted there, took out the stuff, then put back the stuff... but after that we got settled down and started biz... it was ok... think Yv makes quite a good salesperson... always smiling and polite and friendly.. haha... I think I still had a bit of the groggy-grouchy look... haha...

Left at one-plus and I thought, "shit I'm gonna be late for tuition"... and indeed I was... and couldn't call the mother of my tuition kid to tell her I'll be late... and it seems a bit rude... but I din have my phone with me.... to stop at one of the stations, get out of the train to make a call will delay me even more... somehow was hoping that the train will suddenly pick up speed, cos it did seem somewhat possible that I might actually be on time... but no... I was late by 20 or 25 minutes... good thing the mother is quite an understanding lady...

The trip home took very very very long... first I waited for the bus for very long... then the bus trip itself took very long... dang... but a very cute boy sat in front of me during one part of the bus trip... he kept asking his mom where they were going... how far was it... like that commercial on tv about the kids asking the dad if they reached the destination yet...haha... it seems I always get to see cute kids when I return from tuition...

What a loooooooooooooooong weekend.
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/03/2003 05:10:00 PM

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