in thoughts...

Friday, October 31, 2003

A Great Day ahead!!

I'm feeling a sense of relief (no, not the type you get after pissing)

Sis didn't scold me for losing the phone... Cos actually the phone is hers... she passed it to me when I wanted a phone... even the line is under her name... though I pay my own bill... so she's gonna help me pick up my SIM card... Phew... She was quite understanding about it... we decided it must be our incompatibility with this phone model... She had lost one Nokia 3330 which was actually her friend's; he had lent it to her... so she bought the same model back, which was the one I was holding, but her friend decided he didn't really need it back and she could have it... so she passed it to me... Damn.... it's like deja vu... We lost Nokia 3330s that didn't belong to us at the point when we lost it... so we've reached a consensus that we are quite "suay" with this phone model... No more Nokia 3330s...

Mom didn't scold me for losing the phone and the money... (she thought I only had less than $10 inside my wallet, didn't bother to clarify myself, cos dun wanna shoot myself in the foot and kena scolding...) She was feeling very "heng" that she decided not to pass me my mid-week allowance yesterday... wah, if she did, I'd have lost $60+ cash... I'm feeling a bit "heng" also... She had actually already prepared the $30 to pass to me, then she was thinking she needed to go out in the evening, and she didn't have much cash on her, so she was thinking maybe pass me my allowance next day...

Brother didn't scold me for being careless... he just "suan-ed" me the moment he reached home and was taking off his shoes... "someone so stupid lose the phone arh..." in his joking tone... then he started to look for his previous phone so that I could use it...

Dad doesn't know that I lost my stuff... AND Dad will NOT know about it... we're all in cahoots for this one...

I think itz because this is my first offence... if I lose something again, I will probably get HELL from them...

V offered to ask our friends to get me a phone as an early 21st birthday present if I couldn't get one... felt quite touched, but I told her it wasn't necessary...

Thanks, Gaozi, for offering to lend me your phone for the time being... the good thing about having siblings who are much older than you is that they tend to have solutions for you in times like this... I'll probably use my Bro's previous phone, or my sister's extra phone... and try damn hard not to lose their phones again....

Thanks to anyone who showed concern and empathy, as well as offering me the "bright" side of things... Sunshine, Gardenia, D, HY, A, J, V, XL and so on...

As it is, I'll have today - one whole day - and maybe tomorrow too, without the phone... And I'll try to enjoy it... Time to think about the hassle of having a phone with me all the time... If it's just to make me feel better...
posted by Sodium-squared at 10/31/2003 10:20:00 AM

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