in thoughts...

Saturday, November 22, 2003

A chocolate conversation remembered...

just had to write this down before I forget... found it quite funny when the conversation took place...

there was one day that JM, Gardenia's "daddy" came to SWAPS table with a half-finished pack of chocolates, asking if anyone else wants to eat them.

So I asked, "Why you don't want already ah?" and he said, yah, he had enough of them. Then as some information tidbit, he added that a social psychology lecturer had said during the first social psych lecture that people derive the same satisfaction from eating chocolates as they do when they have sex. It's because both activities (eating chocolates and having sex) stimulates your brain to release endorphins, if I remember correctly... That's supposed to make you happy...

So I looked at JM and asked, "Wah, then you ate until enough already, you must be quite 'satisfied' huh?" - lots of mischief intended... ;)
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/22/2003 01:58:00 PM

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