in thoughts...

Thursday, November 13, 2003

The Fat Black Line that's hard to cross...

Hmm, read SY's blog that day on The Thin Red Line... it's about limits... about how people can cross your limit, that makes you never wanna be friends with them anymore...

I thought about it for very long... still can't really think of my Thin Red Line... But I think it's probably like, very very jialat betrayal, or like SY said, when people do bad things to my family or friends...

Thinking in the reverse, some people who did something to make me feel that they're really really my true friends, it's very very hard for me to not befriend them, though they may do something very very bad to me... That's my Fat Black Line... It's hard to cross the Fat Black Line...haha... it doesn't even have to be that they did something very great or life-changing for me... it's just simple things that have made me feel like they're friends I wanna have for the rest of my life... And for this group of friends, whoever they may be, there are very few things I'll not do for them... I've a friend who wrote in his Friendster profile that "Give me a backrub and you have a friend for life."

Sometimes it's just so easy to be on the right side of the Fat Black Line... ;)
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/13/2003 08:41:00 AM

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