in thoughts...

Thursday, November 06, 2003

On Flies and Lights...

I dunno why I'm still writing blog when I:

have a test at 8am tomorrow and I'm not very prepared.
promised to pass my friend essay outlines by tomorrow but they still need improvement.
have a psych write-up due tomorrow midnight which I am still in the process of researching... and procrastinating... I mean, I'm just not starting on it.


Before I went home I saw D and A. D was telling me to try to get to know the person who irritated me (see previous blog entry, "Irritated..." 3 Nov 03)... I said, "Try lah, huh?"

Hmm, actually the situation's not so bad... It has yet to reach the point that I will run when I see him... and I doubt it will ever reach that point, haha... I am still fully capable of holding completely civilised conversation with him without blowing my top (oooh, the imagery of that is cool... me blowing my top...) It's just that at the point when he irritated me, it just felt very irritating... haha... that's all... maybe it's just me to exaggerate... oh well...

So, by the time I reached my home bus stop it was 7+pm, and it was already dark... Just beside the bus stop there are 2 poles for the RC at my void deck to hang banners, and so there are 2 spotlights on the grass that shine up at the banners to illuminate them... And because it is near the grass, there were many small fly-like insects buzzing around the 2 spotlights...

I dunno about you, but I personally find flies and fly-like insects very IRRITATING.
I dunno about you, but I actually found the sight of the fly-like insects flying around the light source quite nice. Because the fly-like insects were nicely illuminated, they looked like luminous flies, fireflies, if you like...

So, maybe this is it: You can actually perceive irritating people to be less irritating than they really are. Just step back, look at the situation from a distance, you might even find it amusing. Hah.

You just have to see them.... in a good light.

Haha, I meant both the flies and irritating people. I did not intentionally try to compare anybody to flies or fly-like insects though... Please do not misunderstand me... ;)

Thinking of fireflies made me think of a quote from my "The Duchess of Malfi" literature text that we did in JC. A comparision of glory and glow-worms(which I suppose are fireflies)...

"Glories, like glow-worms, afar off shine bright,
But look'd to near, have neither heat nor light."
"Bosola", John Webster in "The Duchess of Malfi"

Well, what it means (if I remember right) is that there's actually nothing much to glory - they seem like a big deal from far (they look nice and bright from far) but actually they're nothing much (No heat, no light, not that fantastic actually...)

So... Maybe that was what happened... I blew the whole thing out of proportion... the things he said and did, it seemed like a big deal, but actually, it's a small matter.

I'm appeased... and kinda pleased that flies in front of a light source can be so much food for thought.
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/06/2003 10:16:00 PM

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