in thoughts...

Saturday, November 22, 2003

Bittersweet chocolates... Literal "Food" for thought...

was quite tired from studying IO yesterday... too many chapters, too little time, too little interest left, too much stress accumulating... so after Gardenia went off, i went to Co Op to look see look see and buy stuff to munch...

saw lotssssssssss of Pooh & Friends merchandise... the Co Op people damn smart... exam time sell this, sure got people buy for their friends or buy for themselves loh... heh... that's where Sunshine bought me marshmallows from... but din see my box design there anymore... hehe... my one says on top: "Wondering brings a smile." which is very apt cos:
1. I probably smile when I wonder about stuff.. ie think about stuff...
2. I like to wonder about, as in walk around to explore places...
3. Cos it's from Sunshine, and in her blog i was wondering what she was wondering about... ;)

anyway I bought a box of cookies just cos the metal box is so cute and nice... haha... should stop myself from going to Co Op until the pooh bear merchandise run out... ;)

oh and i bought a book by Oscar Wilde... quite sad, classics selling for $3.90... it's like great literary work is only worth that much... i think my pooh cookies cost about the same... but well, low prices make them more accessible to poor folk like me.. haha.. and when i'm feeling too poor to buy classics I suppose I can go to the library... Anyway I read the first chapter of the book cos I got too bored with the stats bit of IO Psych... and damn, the stats bit didn't come out at all for today's paper...

and I bought bittersweet chocolates... Droste was the brand I think... started to like bittersweet chocolates after E gave me bittersweet Kit Kat chocs once... But this Droste brand one is good... when you're eating it, it tastes very rich, but not the type that gets stuck in your teeth... the bitter part comes in the aftertaste... quite cool... and to ease that tinge of bitterness you'll pop another bittersweet choc into your mouth... just for that few moments of sweetness that you know will soon become bitter again...

someone once told me first love is like bittersweet chocolate. I forgot who. Damn this sleeper effect - you remember the information, but you forget the source of your information.

saw the words on the packaging of the choc - there were many many different languages stating the ingredients... no I wasn't checking the calories stuff, but I just saw the German words for the ingredients... cool... I'm always very delighted to see German words on anything... my laptop adaptor, food packaging, electronic stuff, plastic bags that warn that children below 36 months of age should not play with it... just feel very happy that I know how to pronounce the words, though my vocab is damn bad and I don't understand what I'm saying...

It's kinda weird and cool at the same time...
You're saying a whole chunk of words that's completely coherent and meaningful. You don't understand a single word that's coming out from your mouth, but somewhere, someone does.
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/22/2003 01:48:00 PM

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