in thoughts...

Thursday, November 13, 2003

Loading.... Loading... 100% Matrix Reloaded....

Dunno if you guys have watched Matrix Revolutions, but if you're planning to but haven't done so, I'll not be an ASS and start telling you what happened... So, will write something based more on Reloaded, since it cropped up as a topic when we went to watch Revolutions...

S and D were discussing if it was selfish of Neo to choose to save Trinity over Zion at the end of Reloaded... Let me try to get the facts right, from what I heard... Zion will still fall eventually, and when it does, Neo and Trinity, who are from Zion, will probably do down with it... Saving Trinity will do nothing to advance the cause of saving Zion... Neo chose to save Trinity...

Well, for me (and I think S also right?), I think since Zion's gonna fall anyway, might as well save Trinity... I remembered I said this when we were discussing this - "Life is meaningless without the one you love." Sounds cliche and idealistic, but hey, I'm speaking for Neo here... Look at him in Reloaded - not all that macho loh... The start of Reloaded when their ship first returned to Zion, Neo and Trin wanted to go off for some, erm, fun together, but Neo was mobbed by this whole group of people, they said:

Trinity: They need you.
Neo: I need you.

This, is classic of Neo's feelings throughout Reloaded. At least that's how I feel. He wouldn't make it with she wasn't there...

And there's the classic question, IF you had the power (as if you ever will), would you choose to save
1) Your best friend/lover/family member from a fatal car accident OR
2) 25 000 people from an earthquake?

I will choose Number 1. Call me selfish, call me whatever you want. If I choose Number 2, that will be the beginning of Hell on Earth for ME. I'll be HAUNTED DAILY by the fact that I made an ACTIVE choice NOT to save my loved one...

Another star appearance of something from my fave cognitive tutorial - yes the counterfactual thinking one (I'm hooked on this topic, dun throw stuff at me please)

A woman has a heart attack at home and dies. If nothing else cropped up, and her husband reached home at his normal time, he would have been able to rush her to the hospital for help and save her.
Would you blame her husband MORE if he:
1) went to have a quick drink at the bar before heading home OR
2) was stuck in a traffic jam?

Most people, according to the article, will blame her husband more if he went for a drink... Because it was an ACTIVE choice on his part to go... Being stuck in a jam, he's INACTIVE... nothing he can do...

Not a very parallel comparison to Neo's choice, cos there's no weightage of human lives... But that's how I feel...
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/13/2003 09:11:00 AM

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