in thoughts...

Thursday, November 13, 2003

We Cannot See Beyond the Choices We Make...

Went for dinner with Bread clan on Sunday... was very fun generally except for the part when my stomach felt real bad... think it was the Borsch soup thingy- dunno how to spell... never drinking that again... Anyway, we went to sit at Swensens after that, and I was just sitting there while Gardenia and Sunshine chose their ice-cream... One of them made a remark that the tower ice-cream thing looks nice... so they spent a very long time deciding the flavors... Until they suddenly realized that they didn't want the tower ice-cream thing that much, and wanted chewy choc sundae instead...

They spent so much time deciding on something they didn't want actually... But we all realized this in the end... haha...

It's like what we learn in social psychology - your behavior sometimes creates your attitudes... partly cos of the reasoning that goes on in your head - "I'm spending so much time and effort over this thing; I must REALLY LIKE this thing or WANT it a lot to be so concerned about it!"

Something from the Matrix - how the Oracle always says that we cannot see beyond the choices we chose to make... The initial choice of the tower ice-cream blocked out, at least for a while, the alternatives of other ice-cream...

Was reading about social psych, Consistency and Commitment, how we choose to stick to our initial choices, even after it seems irrational to do so and may not be to our benefit to do so... especially when we have made a stand publicly, we choose to stick to that stand, to appear consistent...

Like all those stories we've heard about the woman who chooses to stick with her drug-taking, alcohol-drinking, wife-bashing husband... and some of these women are still convinced that they're happy, that things will turn for the better... just because they can't see beyond the choices they made...
posted by Sodium-squared at 11/13/2003 09:42:00 AM

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