in thoughts...

Monday, July 23, 2007

I'm back... for a while at least

Supposed to come online to settle some financial stuff...
That's all that I do online nowadays.
I hardly check my mail - all I use the computer at home for nowadays:
to transfer money back to my siblings when I use the supp card. ha.

Looking through some of my old entries.
haven't been posting for almost an entire year.
have been working for almost a year now.
see the correlation? ha.
just so tired after work.
in fact, i still have "homework" waiting for me in my bag.
just learned today that Su Lynn's gonna be my colleague!
ha. hope she'll still be happy after one year of working. yikes.

Haven't written for so long that.. well, kinda lost the "feeling" or urge to blog.
Every day, every week, every month passes in a blur.
What have I done this one year?
I can't say exactly.. just been working.
And trying to meet up with people occasionally.
Trying to keep up with work and to have a life at the same time.
Just almost perpetually tired though.
My to-do list at work just keeps growing.
Working OT is a bad solution, but a solution nonetheless.
I'm paying gym fees but not going regularly.
what a waste of money.
i'm going tomorrow - don't care. ha.

such random thoughts.
haii. It's only Monday. gosh.
posted by Sodium-squared at 7/23/2007 09:26:00 PM

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