in thoughts...

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Giving Tuition during Chinese New Year... & Going to Gene's place...

gets me ang baos... hee... a bit paiseh, din expect the tuition kid parents to give me ang bao but they did...

Well dear B was very "nice" - his mum always pours drinks for me during lesson (I always get rather nice drinks - stuff with aloe vera or some new drink products, think they go grocery shopping for fun new stuff frequently...) So this lesson it was the packet drink of Yeo's Green Tea with Peach... Dear B offered to help me poke my straw into the packet, which he did - the wrong way... he pushed the shorter portion in, followed by the longer portion... NOTE: this kid doesn't have low IQ or something... He knew perfectly what he was doing... I was half-heartedly watching him while trying to mark his book and I think I mumbled, "Don't push the whole thing in arh... " and he said "Opps" as the whole straw disappeared into the drink...
He gave me his cheeky grin.... EEEEEEEEEdiot.... Still dare to say, "Oh never mind I help you dig out" and attempts to poke his mechanical pencil tip into the hole... I just drank from the small hole... And as an afterthought he said "Hey later you drink finish must hurry up throw away leh... later my mother see..."

*shakes head*

He showed me his ulcer every 20 minutes... and each time he showed it he'll spend about 2 minutes complaining about how painful it is and how the last time it was 3 small ulcers stuck together... as it was, tuition during CNY was a very relaxed affair of looking at ulcers, trying to tell him the 3 states of matter, and how to help clothes dry faster by increasing evaporation.. haha..

Went to Gene's place last night... He opened house.. hee... nice place... YZ was asking him what this type of house is called - it's known as town house I think I heard... had nice Japanese pizza... very interesting... not bad... very novel I must say... first time eating it... and Deb was saying she thought the Japanese crackers I bought were the weirdest thing already... haha... now: Japanese pizza... cool.. haha.. played cards after KM came cos he brought the cards... then we squeezed unto his car to send Gaozi and J to Buona Vista MRT... and then we (YZ, Gardenia, me, KM) went to Fong Seng to meet HJ...

dunno what we were talking about, but suddenly saw HJ grinning in a very cheeky manner and it looked totally like B's (my tuition kid) cheeky look! haha... quite funny...

anyway KM sent me and Gardenia back to EA, then the 3 of them went off on some funny places.. haha..

I was thinking sure cannot finish my 2 tutorial homework for monday... but HEY... Tehchinno from prata shop actually kept me awake!! haha... we wanted to sleep at 2am, I tossed around till 230, decided I was too awake and just wasting time... so turned on the lamp and read my personality text till 4am before deciding to sleep... WAH DAMN FRUITFUL... absorbed the material super fast... was actually still quite awake but had set alarm for 615am so wanted to really wake up on time... but couldn't lah... haha... 615am sat up to turn off alarm 655am stupid Gardenia threw her 2 soft toys at me, I sat up but fell back down to sleep more... 8am then really woke up... haha...

and so amazing... I managed to finish all my work for the 2 tutorials! haha... super duper amazing... haha... okie gonna sleep early tonight!

Sleep tight folks! ;)
posted by Sodium-squared at 1/27/2004 12:38:00 AM

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Lil' bit more on Band of Brothers

If anyone is watching it and if this matters, Captain Speirs is one cool dude. Anyway the actor is Matthew Settle. Good looking guy.

Totally amazed at the part he took over Easy Company from Lt Dike (that stupid idiot), went right across German lines to hook up with I Company so they wouldn't lose the Germans there, and ran right back without getting shot. Cool.

And Eugene Roe. The medic guy. Thought he was good too. As in the character. Takes a lot for a guy to see the men getting cut up left and right everyday and still be calm enough to do first aid every time. It's terribly easy to break down under that kind of stress. Haven't found out that actor's name.

Anyway Major Richard Winters is very good looking too - in a very good school boy prefect kinda way. hee. and of course the way he led his men - woah, dun play play... the type of man people had utter respect for. The actor's name is Damien something. I'd find out. Hee. But I just remember this line that Capt Lewis introduces him with to this other guy - "No flaws, no vices, no sense of humour." haha...

Capt Lewis - i suppose he's quite a charming guy too...The way he jokes with Winters... very witty type of guy... He's the intelligence officer for Easy Company.. Anyway the actor's Ron Livingston and he was asked by HBO to do a actor's video diary for the boot camp they attended... He's got nice eyes and great smile...

heh... army shows... great feast for my eyes eh? haha... all guys mah...
posted by Sodium-squared at 1/24/2004 08:53:00 PM

Chinese New Year.... Watched Band of Brothers!

Still coughing... sheesh... I swear it was getting better... I mean, it is better... it's just evolved a bit... hee... into a less serious cough but coupled with weird nose that leaks ONLY in the middle of my sleep to clog up my throat. Oh well. That's not stopping me from eating new year goodies. Hee.

FINALLY took the time to watch all 10 episodes of BAND OF BROTHERS. plus the documentary. LOVED EVERY BIT OF IT.

I watched it alone. And I'm glad. If my bro watched it with me I'll probably bomb him with a question every 2 minutes. Like the stereotypical 2 year old irritating inquisitive younger sibling. Ok, fine, I'm 20, not 2. BUT I still do that to him when we watch stuff together. Hee. Like football. I think I must have asked him at least 10 times what "offside" means. Hah. I think I got the gist of it. I think. Don't ask me.

Anyway. Band of Bruders. hee.. I figured out what OP stands for - Observation Post. AWOL sounds very much like sneaking out of the hospital to join your brothers back in combat when you're still not officially ok - you need some paperwork to settle that. And I knew what "flanking" is about even before this show. hee. I'm unnecessarily proud of myself. haha...

I finished all 10 episodes and I was watching the documentary part - behind the scenes and stuff when my bro sat down and asked me, "Got cry or not?"

Okie, I dunno why, but this cry thing about me and my family is weird. When I was young my ma, my sis and me will watch those Qiong Yao shows which is supposed to make you cry helluva lot. Which I didn't. I would just hand out tissue to my ma and sis. So my ma always say I cold-blooded. Hah. Anyway over the years I got more emotional and sentimental and not so "act-cool-dun-cry" and I'll just let the show bring the tears if they're any good at that. But still my bro will ask.

So I looked at him, thought he was asking if I cried while watching the documentary and I said no. Later it occured to me he meant the whole thing. Oh well.

He shook his head and said, "This is what women won't understand. Brotherhood."

I did cry at some parts. I can see the brotherhood among the men. But I don't dare say for a moment that I know what brotherhood is about. I don't think you can know this kinda thing just by watching a show. You've gotta go through all that training, all that near-deaths, all that actual deaths, all that risking of self to help another - to get a glimpse of what that's about.

but my bro doesn't talk about army. and I don't really ask. was watching the documentary part, and children of this veteran said that they didn't even know about the veteran's role and what he did in the war - they didn't even know he killed people. It's another part of his life. And maybe it is too, for anyone who goes into army or into combat - to keep that part of the life separate - and to keep your civilian life as it was. Many of the veterans found it hard to go back to civilian life because everyday they're reminded of something that happened in the war. To have a life to return to - that's what you need. Whether you really are ABLE to return to it completely, as you were before the war - now that's a different question. To have that life as it was offers you an option, to really go back to that life is about ability.

watching it reminded me of "Regeneration" - my lit book for JC. reminded me of Nelly as well - my lit teacher. Cool lady. Loved her and her lessons. And all those themes in the book - brotherhood, reasons for fighting the war, whether the killings were justified, young boys not even old enough to buy cigarettes enlisting to fight and die, the officers being like fathers to men their age... so many things...

Again, I was very excited to hear snatches of German conversation during the series. Excites me to no end. Still I needed subtitles. ;)

so many issues in that. was talking to Kavi that day - she said she loved wars, as in reading about them, watching shows on them, learning about them. Me too girl, me too. But more than anything (the tactics, the strategies, the turning points of each battle) I love to watch the people and their bonds. The Brotherhood.

posted by Sodium-squared at 1/24/2004 08:20:00 PM

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

New Year Cards and doctored new year cards...

writing new year cards at 2+ am in the morning is not easy... ask Gardenia... she's being the slave for the society...haha... i dun even know how she ended up with this task... and so... the HONORARY people in the society have the HONOUR of writing new year cards on behalf of the society... haha....

there's a tendency to write funny names that you totally didn't mean to... then opps, realized that the card's going to waste...

wait a minute... maybe can recycle... haha... ask me for details on how to doctor spoilt new year cards... MUAHAHAHAHA...

It's Bloody 3+ am liao... crap... new year cards at this hour?!?!?! sheesh...
posted by Sodium-squared at 1/20/2004 03:19:00 AM

Weird encounter while waiting at Bugis MRT... and cooking chicken - cheese - macaroni

hee... went to celebrate with XL today... poor LY's down with chicken pox, so couldn't join us... Steph's back from London for New Year, she's coloured her hair black liao, and Ting, well, still tanned and everything, not feeling well but din appear so...

while waiting for them at Bugis MRT guardian, wah... wat an "encounter"... Was walking from the bugis station control to front of Guardian (read: only about 7 metres, and less than a minute's walk), got approached by this Man In Black.

Man In Black: (drowsy tone) Hi, I'd just like to wish you a very happy new year...
Me: (blur look) huh?
Man In Black: Today we're here to help XXXX (a society's name, not convenient to say here) get some donations. Can you please scratch here? (hands a scratchcard thing to me, you know, those silver circles that you scratch off to reveal words?)
Man In Black: It's less than $3... maybe $2 or $1...
Me: (thinks: oh what the hell... know of this organization, not too bad... meaningful work... watever...) *scratches one circle hoping it wun be $3, gets a $2 circle* oh... okie... *hands over $2*
Man In Black: Thank you very much... How are your exams?
Me: (BIG EYES) HUH? okie loh...
Man In Black: Can pass?
Me: (trying very hard not to appear rude) yah...
Man In Black: that's good... thanks... *walks away to new "victim"* "Hi, I'd just like to wish you a very happy new year..."

I walked to the noticeboards beside Guardian. Turned around and this face pops up.
Black Bag Guy: Hi!
Me: (silent WOAH! and Bewildered look) hi...
Black Bag Guy: Wah your eyes very big. Don't worry I'm not here to ask for donation..
Me: ohh..
Black Bag Guy: (continues at bullet train speed) I've got with me this package that usually sells at $89... *reaches into black bag for a orange package containing 2 bottles of something* but they're trying to clear stock - they were supposed to finish by Saturday but didn't manage to - so today we're selling it for $19.90! It smells really nice and light *sprays some unto his hand* do you mind? *gestures to dab some on my wrist*
Me: (cautiously offering my wrist and smelling it) hmmm...
Black Bag Guy: and today, you can get the second package, not at 20 dollars, not at 10 dollars, not even at 1 dollar... *pauses for suspense* We're giving it to you free if you buy the first one!
Me: errr... I'm quite broke actually...
Black Bag Guy: that's okay... *keeps the two packages back into Big Black Bag* Have to go and look for new targets yah... have to stay optimistic!
Me: yup... Happy new year...
Black Bag Guy: Happy new year too! *walks purposefully off*

reaching into my bag for my phone, suddenly...

Man in Suit: Hi! We're from YYY (I totally didn't catch the name for this one..) here to raise funds for the disabled children. Will you like to donate $2?
Me: (in silent agony) ohh... I just donated to XXXX just now and yah... *voice drifts off*
Man in Suit: Oh that's okay! *walks away*

thinking a change of standing area will do me some good, walks to the little corner just at the outside of Guardian, still in view of commuters coming out... spots this Guy in White walking purposefully towards me again...

Guy in White: Hi! I'm from XXXX and we're here to collect donations. Would you like to make a donation?
Me: (tortured look plus trying not to look tortured) I just donated to the guy over there...
Guy in White: OH! The big guy over there? okie thanks! *walks energetically away*

sheesh... sent sms to the girls asking them to hurry up so we can move off...

If you think that's the end, think again.

Man in Black (YES THE SAME GUY) approaches me AGAIN.

Man in Black: Hi! Wah, you're quite tall huh... big girl liao...
Me: (thinking "WHAT??!!") huh?
Man in Black: Studying where now?
Me: (thinking "What's this guy up to??!!") eh, NUS?
Man in Black: Wah so clever.... today we're here to collect donations for XXXX...
Me: I donated already...
Man in Black: Oh never mind... it's only less than $3... you can scratch off one of these circles...
Me: But I just donated to you just now... And I scratched that circle *points to the circle I scratched*
Man in Black: OHH... so sorry... you see today I've met so many people... so sorry...
Me: *half effort at a smile* it's okie...

All that in 20 minutes... amazing or what?

went on to Sakae when Steph reached, went to find XL on level one...Haha... I think me and Steph really stuffed ourselves crazy at Sakae... haha... and XL and Ting din eat much leh... hmmm, well, we made it less lugi for them by eating more... haha... how many plates in all? 25? and had watermelon too... wah piangz... din feel like I needed dinner after that... eat from 3.30 till 5 plus... haha... sit around and talked till 6 and kena chased out... haha... but came back to hall and wanted to cook the chicken that I bought from NTUC, or else later spoilt... so waited for Gardenia to come back and we cooked together...

Ever tried making breadcrumbs by yourself? haha... we did... toasted the bread then broke it up into pieces... Gardenia sliced the chicken, we dipped it into egg and tossed it into the breadcrumbs and fried it... nice... and cooked macaroni, put some of this chicken on it, then some cheese on top, and toasted it... hehe... I dunno how long we took, but it was quite fun...
posted by Sodium-squared at 1/20/2004 03:16:00 AM

Monday, January 19, 2004

Catty Talk...

P just sent me this email... rather interesting... ;)

I dunno why I like cats... I mean I like dogs too, but I prefer cats... more... character... hee... and so so so pretty and graceful... love them... haughty creatures but just so adorable...


Law of Cat Inertia
A cat at rest will tend to remain at rest, unless
acted upon by some outside force - such as the opening
of cat food, or a nearby scurrying mouse.

Law of Cat Motion
A cat will move in a straight line, unless there is a
really good reason to change direction.

Law of Cat Magnetism
All blue blazers and black sweaters attract cat hair
in direct proportion to the darkness of the fabric.

Law of Cat Thermodynamics
Heat flows from a warmer to a cooler body, except in
the case of a cat, in which case all heat flows to the

Law of Cat Stretching
A cat will stretch to a distance proportional to the
length of the nap just taken.

Law of Cat Sleeping
All cats must sleep with people whenever possible, in
a position as uncomfortable for the people involved,
and as comfortable as possible for the cat.

Law of Cat Elongation
A cat can make her body long enough to reach just
about any counter top that has anything remotely
interesting on it.

Law of Cat Obstruction
A cat must lay on the floor in such a position to
obstruct the maximum amount of human foot traffic.

Law of Cat Acceleration
A cat will accelerate at a constant rate, until he
gets good and ready to stop.

Law of Dinner Table Attendance
Cats must attend all meals when anything good is

Law of Rug Configuration
No rug may remain in its naturally flat state for very

Law of Obedience Resistance
A cat's resistance varies in proportion to a human's
desire for her to do something.

First Law of Energy Conservation
Cats know that energy can neither be created nor
destroyed and will, therefore, use as little energy as

Second Law of Energy Conservation
Cats also know that energy can only be stored by a lot
of napping.

Law of Refrigerator Observation
If a cat watches a refrigerator long enough, someone
will come along and take out something good to eat.

Law of Electric Blanket Attraction
Turn on an electric blanket and a cat will jump into
bed at the speed of light.

Law of Random Comfort Seeking
A cat will always seek, and usually take over, the
most comfortable spot in any given room.

Law of Bag/Box Occupancy
All bags and boxes in a given room must contain a cat
within the earliest possible nanosecond.

Law of Cat Embarrassment
A cat's irritation rises in direct proportion to her
embarrassment times the amount of human laughter.

Law of Milk Consumption
A cat will drink his weight in milk, squared, just to
show you he can.

Law of Furniture Replacement
A cat's desire to scratch furniture is directly
proportional to the cost of the furniture.

Law of Cat Landing
A cat will always land in the softest place possible;
often the mid- section of an unsuspecting, reclining

Law of Fluid Displacement
A cat immersed in milk will displace her own volume,
minus the amount of milk consumed.

Law of Cat Disinterest
A cat's interest level will vary in inverse proportion
to the amount of effort a human expends in trying to
interest him.

Law of Pill Rejection
Any pill given to a cat has the potential energy to
reach escape velocity.

Law of Cat Composition
A cat is composed of Matter + Anti-Matter + It Doesn't Matter.

posted by Sodium-squared at 1/19/2004 01:34:00 PM

dang... missed "Planet of Apes"...

argh... missed watching Planet of Apes on Channel 5 last night... was leaving my home to come to campus hall when I saw my brother watching it... sheesh... read the book and wanted to watch the show to see how different it is... the book was a very good read... easy and engaging... but of course translated... original author was French, if I'm not wrong... but the storyline was good... but of course when you shoot it into a movie you'll have to change plenty, especially for this book... won't be dynamic enough if the orang-utans, gorillas and chimps spoke their own language that we didn't understand...

was doing spring cleaning during whatever time I had left from the weekend after tuition on Saturday... and while we were cleaning the house my brother was playing Band of Brothers on the dvd player... sigh... wanted to watch the whole series during Dec hols, but didn't find the time to... now that school's started and I'm in hall, even less chance... but I've seen parts of it... certain parts that are my brother's faves, I've seen a couple of times... he loves to show me the gruesome parts... I'm not really grossed out, but it's just amazing how they manage to make it seem so real... well at least it's how I imagine the real thing will look like...

I dunno why I'm writing about this... haha... bored i think... nothing much is happening... over the last couple of days had a few thoughts but they slipped away too soon... brain's empty now...
posted by Sodium-squared at 1/19/2004 01:09:00 PM

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

A BIG "PONG!!!" and *Poof*

last night... eventful night... Gardenia keeps saying it's "happening"...

Sunshine brought some stuff to wash, so she was hanging around with us, well actually after she got her stuff we were still convincing her to stay for the night.. hee... anyway...

Gardenia came back from German class, felt like cooking some cheese macaroni - but no butter, so we settled for cheese omelette... all three of us were gathered around the small hot plate/hot pan watever you call it... we used this glass pot to heat up the grated cheese, and frying pan on standby to start doing the omelette... but just as we put the glass pot aside to heat the frying pan, the glass pot suddenly went "PONG!" and shattered into pieces...

It was DAMN scary... we totally froze for a moment - we were talking about something before the pot burst into pieces, but for the life of me, I can't bloody remember what we were talking about... I dun think I'll ever recall...

after freezing for that moment, we were checking if all of us were all right - the floor, the cooking surface, the hole below the hot pan, everywhere had glass bits, big chunks, small shards... Gardenia was in shorts and slippers, Sunshine in 3-quarts and slippers, for some reason I had not changed out of my clothes and was still in jeans and slippers... Sunshine got hit by one big chunk of glass - a small bruise was starting to show near her big toe, at the ball of her foot... we started clearing up...

saw that one egg had gotten a bit wet - some info tidbit for you - if your egg has been washed or touched water, cook it soon, cos wet eggs spoil quickly... Anyway, one egg came into contact with water, and we were planning to cook it and keep the other egg when Sunshine saw that Gardenia had a cut on her foot - there was a glass shard embedded in her flesh of her foot... it was really small, so we needed tweezers, but both of us din have...

went downstairs to Ben's room to ask if he had tweezers - i was still holding the dry egg (haha... probably looked quite stupid) - Ben wasn't in his room, but Sunshine saw her friend - we borrowed tweezers from him and Gardenia managed to get the bits out... 2 pieces...

we went back to our kitchen and cooked both eggs in the end... added cheese also... sheesh... what an "exciting" night...
posted by Sodium-squared at 1/13/2004 12:17:00 PM

Friday, January 09, 2004

amazing links... making up a chain...

it's quite amazing... i just found my secondary school classmate's blog BY ACCIDENT.

haha... went to take a look at the blogs nominated for best singapore blog(cos i'm so blog deprived... so many blogs i frequent are down cos the owners can't access blogspot...), found one guy's blog that's quite interesting - he talks about stuff that I also wrote a bit about... and then I saw my friend's name on one of his links...

my friend has quite a unique chinese name... and click... voila... it's her... haha... these links are amazing...

i can see how Friendster works... haha...

but even before friendster it AMAZED me how Lyne got to know Lry... haha... i was totally stunned... she told me about it just as I was watching VCDs of "With Love"... it was so weird... the parallel between the two of them getting to know each other and the show.... the whole idea of probability... and i got carried away and thought the two of them might start something... haha...

and how LY (one of my secondary school best pals) knows Val (one of my primary school best pals)... was waiting with LY for "her" friend... then suddenly saw Val walking towards us... haha... i was grinning like i din believe this was real... it's surreal... haha...
posted by Sodium-squared at 1/09/2004 01:02:00 AM

Wednesday, January 07, 2004


Supposed to be doing up the hong kong students tour thingy but slacked off a bit, to read blogs... did a quiz... just for fun lah... it's not accurate - though it's kinda in line with my current "username" of Nah-If... haha...

You represent... naivete.
You represent... naivete.
So innocent and trusting... you can be very shy at
times, but it's only because you're not sure
how to act. You give off that "I need to
be protected vibe." Remember that not all
people are good. Being too trusting will get
you easily hurt.

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

sigh... wanted to go for the Cai Li Lian concert... but hmm, got things to do.. better not... oh and Gardenia, come back soon... not that I miss you (haha..) but the mosquitoes are starting to bite me... haha... they have to settle for the InFeeReaL blood... argh... and i dun even see them... so sneaky mosquitoesies...
posted by Sodium-squared at 1/07/2004 08:10:00 PM

Monday, January 05, 2004

David Blaine's magic...

was watching David Blaine's magic shows on AXN that day... i really really really cannot find any logical reasoning for HOW he does the things he does... it's amazing...

for his day to day on the street kinda magic, his aim is to shock people... to amaze them... to astonish them... make them question... he said something like, we don't have to show babies magic, cos they're amazed by so many things around them... but for us, we need magic to make us question and challenge things...

there's one trick he does that's damn good i think... he gives a person on the street a notepad and pencil, asks the person to stand far away, write down the name of the most important person to him/her, fold up that piece of paper and head back to him. He then, without looking at the paper, burns part of it with a lighter, then slaps the still burning paper on his arm or shirt, and the name of the person written on the paper will appear on his arm or stomach...

and there was this girl he tried this on, and she was so amazed he got the name... and he just looked at her and said, "It's okie, he's watching over you..." and he walks away... the girl said the person whose name she wrote, was her best friend who died some time ago... and she had tears in her eyes... That must have been quite a moment for her...

and then he goes and does these life-threatening "stunts"
first stunt - lying in a "glass coffin" for a long period of time, in a very confined space, with a tank full of water just inches above him... the small space he's lying down in has only a small hole to allow air in...
second stunt - "Frozen in time" he stands upright for i dunno 67 hours or around there in an "ice prison" - he only has space to stand, only allowed water, no food... when they cut through the ice to get him out, he's freezing like mad, his legs are weak, and he went into shock for some time... he couldn't move his legs properly for 2 months...
third stunt - "Vertigo" he stands on top of this small thin TALL tower-like thingy for about 3 days - no sleep no water no food, the "tower" only has enough space for him to stand... can't move around... and the 2nd night was one of the coldest night in New York or something and he was wearing only a long-sleeved cotton shirt... the last part of the stunt he's supposed to jump right down from the tower into this boxes like thing to cushion his fall... but because he stood for so long his legs were wobbly, he jumped in a wrong way and he got a slight concussion...

so why does he do these "stunts"? he wants to show people that these are done without magic... he's not trying to show off or something... he says it's when he's doing these that he feels most alive... and that's why he'll go on doing it...

watching him reminded me of something... something in my lit text - Waiting for Godot... think we mentioned something about how Pain makes you feel like you're really alive and living.... how pain makes us feel real... pinching ourselves to make sure you're not dreaming when something happens to you... Pain tells you you're in the real world...
posted by Sodium-squared at 1/05/2004 01:06:00 AM

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Religion again...

after a rather roundabout D&D meeting yesterday, some of us stayed behind... hung around at open area of Marina Square, ate a bit, played with ahem, somebody's slipper, attracted a lot of attention, then headed to marina square Starbucks to sit down, talk, see Aud's pictures from Nepal...

well well.... some interesting talk... but only caught bits and pieces of it... cos was looking at the pictures...VERY interesting bits and pieces of it... haha... but ahem, will focus on RELIGION...well basically what my thoughts were, and not so much what was said, cos I only caught a bit... the other topics ah - will write about it if I have any interesting theories about growth of leg hair or how sleeping contributes to "one's" upright-ness huh.... haha...

right... Religion - how will you react if someone questioned or challenged your religion? Will you feel offended? Will you feel as if your identity's being challenged?

for me, now I'm religion-less... some religions say that as a believer you shouldn't question your religion... I dunno about that, for me, I'll prefer to do all the questioning and challenging of the religion before I choose it... and if I choose it I might still question it, but I'll also actively seek answers to my own challenges... As Socrates once said, "The unexamined life is not worth living" - I believe the unexamined religion is not worth believing too...

I have nothing against the staunch believers - sometimes I admire their faith, I'll have a lot more respect for them if they know why they believe so strongly...I dunno if I wanna be like that, but I know what I dun wanna be...

I dun wanna be someone who believes in the religion just cos others are believing...
I dun wanna be someone who says I believe just cos it's cool to do so...
I dun wanna be someone who believes just cos someone else tells me to believe...
I dun wanna be someone who borrows God or Buddha's name to say stuff I've never really thought about...
I dun wanna be someone who goes all defensive and can't offer any reasonable explanation for my faith...
I dun wanna be someone who blindly believes...

and when I choose to believe, this will become part of my identity... who i am... why i am the way i am...
posted by Sodium-squared at 1/04/2004 12:26:00 PM

Saturday, January 03, 2004

jumbled thoughts...

woah, just got off the phone with a friend... upset over some relationship problems... sigh, poor thing... no one listening to her side of the story but start judging her already... think she was crying a bit over the phone while talking to me... sigh... i guess it's not easy - two people being together... hope things work out for her lah... though it may take a while... seems quite serious...

30th Dec - went to meet Db! Her b-day! hee... even though morning wasn't feeling too great, by afternoon was feeling quite all right... and heh, she treating me, got illness also gone lah! haha (think: cheapo! haha...) anyway, there's nothing mango tango cheesecake can't cure! HAH... she had her cousin with her... so we talked talked a bit as we ate... told her about the erm, ridiculous encounters during the hols and she was quite amused... haha... I'm such a joke... damn... then we walked around trying to help her cousin find shoes...

new year's eve - went to buy the rice cooker! damn cheap - $19.90... hiak hiak... gain city sale lah... though i honestly dunno how often Gardenia & I are gonna cook... haha... then lugged the rice cooker to KTV... haha... C helped me carry it to KTV after I went to meet them at Maxwell market... then KTV! haha... YZ banned me from choosing Yanzi songs... after the overdose I gave Bread Clan the last time I went KTV... Hee... so I picked the rather old songs... haha... But I still got to sing Yanzi's songs when Al, D and YZ chose them, since there were 2 mikes.. hee... felt a bit like the child with cough, banned from Chocolates by Mama but secretly getting Chocolates from Papa or something... haha...but woah, this is one bunch of people who can sing... dun play play... haha...

we had STk - who could do both male and female high and low voices... must have some switch that he can easily turn on and off to change the voice... haha... we had Al - hee i think it was pretty cute how she and STk did One Night in Beijing... haha...we had D - hey the 直来直往 rap thingy was pretty cool! And i din stumble as much as I tot I'd over the words... hee...we had S - who provided a bit of para para dance steps with the songs and kept asking if the "singers" wanna go out for supper, and saying that his company wants to sign them on... haha...we had C - who definitely sings very well, and when he left for a short interval we all had more chances to sing... haha... we had YZ - we sounded really alike when we sang and S called us the chopstick sisters (in Chinese) hahah... we had Gaozi - heh really enjoyed singing the 2 duets with him... both songs were very good and his voice very nice (and din overpower mine)... hee... and dear Gardenia came to join us after that but din sing anything =(

after that was dinner at this place opposite (well, near) Cha Ren... the (whadaya call it?) fried wanton?? damn nice can?! haha... yummy... anyway we ate and chatted a bit... on the way out actually saw this rather cute looking guy who was also eating in the restaurant... then after talking to YZ realized that he was showing some attitude to the waiter... hmm... okie, so spoil image... he should have just kept his mouth shut... I would have a much better impression of him... haha...

then walked around with those who remained... STk was carrying the rice cooker all the while... hee... very helpful... =) they finally decided to stop at esplanade... I wanted to leave liao, cos hmm, wanted to reach home at a good time, as in not too late... so i wun incur the wrath of Mum... hee... as I was telling Al, not good to make Mum angry when you're about to move to hall... otherwise come home for weekend no good food! haha... okie, kidding lah... it's just much better to just keep relationships with her unstrained... hee... for other obvious reasons other than good food on weekends...

New Year's Day - everyone wrote stuff on blog - reflections on 2003, new year resolutions.... I'm a bit at a loss of what to say... i dunno... this year has been... FAST... a LOT of things came and went... a LOT of changes took place... But overall feeling I get: this has been a HAPPY year for me, and believe me, I AM counting my blessings...

Now: time to sleep... gotta do hall shifting and cleaning tomorrow! hee...

posted by Sodium-squared at 1/03/2004 12:34:00 AM