in thoughts...

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Weird encounter while waiting at Bugis MRT... and cooking chicken - cheese - macaroni

hee... went to celebrate with XL today... poor LY's down with chicken pox, so couldn't join us... Steph's back from London for New Year, she's coloured her hair black liao, and Ting, well, still tanned and everything, not feeling well but din appear so...

while waiting for them at Bugis MRT guardian, wah... wat an "encounter"... Was walking from the bugis station control to front of Guardian (read: only about 7 metres, and less than a minute's walk), got approached by this Man In Black.

Man In Black: (drowsy tone) Hi, I'd just like to wish you a very happy new year...
Me: (blur look) huh?
Man In Black: Today we're here to help XXXX (a society's name, not convenient to say here) get some donations. Can you please scratch here? (hands a scratchcard thing to me, you know, those silver circles that you scratch off to reveal words?)
Man In Black: It's less than $3... maybe $2 or $1...
Me: (thinks: oh what the hell... know of this organization, not too bad... meaningful work... watever...) *scratches one circle hoping it wun be $3, gets a $2 circle* oh... okie... *hands over $2*
Man In Black: Thank you very much... How are your exams?
Me: (BIG EYES) HUH? okie loh...
Man In Black: Can pass?
Me: (trying very hard not to appear rude) yah...
Man In Black: that's good... thanks... *walks away to new "victim"* "Hi, I'd just like to wish you a very happy new year..."

I walked to the noticeboards beside Guardian. Turned around and this face pops up.
Black Bag Guy: Hi!
Me: (silent WOAH! and Bewildered look) hi...
Black Bag Guy: Wah your eyes very big. Don't worry I'm not here to ask for donation..
Me: ohh..
Black Bag Guy: (continues at bullet train speed) I've got with me this package that usually sells at $89... *reaches into black bag for a orange package containing 2 bottles of something* but they're trying to clear stock - they were supposed to finish by Saturday but didn't manage to - so today we're selling it for $19.90! It smells really nice and light *sprays some unto his hand* do you mind? *gestures to dab some on my wrist*
Me: (cautiously offering my wrist and smelling it) hmmm...
Black Bag Guy: and today, you can get the second package, not at 20 dollars, not at 10 dollars, not even at 1 dollar... *pauses for suspense* We're giving it to you free if you buy the first one!
Me: errr... I'm quite broke actually...
Black Bag Guy: that's okay... *keeps the two packages back into Big Black Bag* Have to go and look for new targets yah... have to stay optimistic!
Me: yup... Happy new year...
Black Bag Guy: Happy new year too! *walks purposefully off*

reaching into my bag for my phone, suddenly...

Man in Suit: Hi! We're from YYY (I totally didn't catch the name for this one..) here to raise funds for the disabled children. Will you like to donate $2?
Me: (in silent agony) ohh... I just donated to XXXX just now and yah... *voice drifts off*
Man in Suit: Oh that's okay! *walks away*

thinking a change of standing area will do me some good, walks to the little corner just at the outside of Guardian, still in view of commuters coming out... spots this Guy in White walking purposefully towards me again...

Guy in White: Hi! I'm from XXXX and we're here to collect donations. Would you like to make a donation?
Me: (tortured look plus trying not to look tortured) I just donated to the guy over there...
Guy in White: OH! The big guy over there? okie thanks! *walks energetically away*

sheesh... sent sms to the girls asking them to hurry up so we can move off...

If you think that's the end, think again.

Man in Black (YES THE SAME GUY) approaches me AGAIN.

Man in Black: Hi! Wah, you're quite tall huh... big girl liao...
Me: (thinking "WHAT??!!") huh?
Man in Black: Studying where now?
Me: (thinking "What's this guy up to??!!") eh, NUS?
Man in Black: Wah so clever.... today we're here to collect donations for XXXX...
Me: I donated already...
Man in Black: Oh never mind... it's only less than $3... you can scratch off one of these circles...
Me: But I just donated to you just now... And I scratched that circle *points to the circle I scratched*
Man in Black: OHH... so sorry... you see today I've met so many people... so sorry...
Me: *half effort at a smile* it's okie...

All that in 20 minutes... amazing or what?

went on to Sakae when Steph reached, went to find XL on level one...Haha... I think me and Steph really stuffed ourselves crazy at Sakae... haha... and XL and Ting din eat much leh... hmmm, well, we made it less lugi for them by eating more... haha... how many plates in all? 25? and had watermelon too... wah piangz... din feel like I needed dinner after that... eat from 3.30 till 5 plus... haha... sit around and talked till 6 and kena chased out... haha... but came back to hall and wanted to cook the chicken that I bought from NTUC, or else later spoilt... so waited for Gardenia to come back and we cooked together...

Ever tried making breadcrumbs by yourself? haha... we did... toasted the bread then broke it up into pieces... Gardenia sliced the chicken, we dipped it into egg and tossed it into the breadcrumbs and fried it... nice... and cooked macaroni, put some of this chicken on it, then some cheese on top, and toasted it... hehe... I dunno how long we took, but it was quite fun...
posted by Sodium-squared at 1/20/2004 03:16:00 AM

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