in thoughts...

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Religion again...

after a rather roundabout D&D meeting yesterday, some of us stayed behind... hung around at open area of Marina Square, ate a bit, played with ahem, somebody's slipper, attracted a lot of attention, then headed to marina square Starbucks to sit down, talk, see Aud's pictures from Nepal...

well well.... some interesting talk... but only caught bits and pieces of it... cos was looking at the pictures...VERY interesting bits and pieces of it... haha... but ahem, will focus on RELIGION...well basically what my thoughts were, and not so much what was said, cos I only caught a bit... the other topics ah - will write about it if I have any interesting theories about growth of leg hair or how sleeping contributes to "one's" upright-ness huh.... haha...

right... Religion - how will you react if someone questioned or challenged your religion? Will you feel offended? Will you feel as if your identity's being challenged?

for me, now I'm religion-less... some religions say that as a believer you shouldn't question your religion... I dunno about that, for me, I'll prefer to do all the questioning and challenging of the religion before I choose it... and if I choose it I might still question it, but I'll also actively seek answers to my own challenges... As Socrates once said, "The unexamined life is not worth living" - I believe the unexamined religion is not worth believing too...

I have nothing against the staunch believers - sometimes I admire their faith, I'll have a lot more respect for them if they know why they believe so strongly...I dunno if I wanna be like that, but I know what I dun wanna be...

I dun wanna be someone who believes in the religion just cos others are believing...
I dun wanna be someone who says I believe just cos it's cool to do so...
I dun wanna be someone who believes just cos someone else tells me to believe...
I dun wanna be someone who borrows God or Buddha's name to say stuff I've never really thought about...
I dun wanna be someone who goes all defensive and can't offer any reasonable explanation for my faith...
I dun wanna be someone who blindly believes...

and when I choose to believe, this will become part of my identity... who i am... why i am the way i am...
posted by Sodium-squared at 1/04/2004 12:26:00 PM

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