in thoughts...

Sunday, December 21, 2003

The Failed Night Hike Trial?

It rained.

And rained.

Then rained some more.

It was the type of day I'd have loved lying in bed with a nice book. But no.

got caught in the rain when going for tuition with B. Got caught in the rain when returning from tuition with B. Mom was very puzzled why I was still going for night hike when everywhere is wet with rain. Said we were quite mad. She saw me wearing shorts and really thought I was quite insane. Cold night out and I'm wearing shorts. Hmm, okay lah, got a bit cold for a while but for most of the time it was okay.

In the end we met at Bedok, went to Macs to discuss more concrete plans... think hmm, not a lot of stuff was really settled or followed up after the main com meeting...but can't send out minutes yet cos not approved yet.. hmm...after that went Fullerton with D n Gardenia... At first a bit paiseh to go in, cos we were decked in shorts and t-shirts... but we managed to find a secluded area... talked and talked and talked, with some silence in between when we strayed off topics... haha... we're great at digressing... stayed till 4+am till some manager came over and said they needed to clean the area...we went to have some food at Golden Cafe... food's ok, not too bad... though my ee mee not the type of ee mee i'm used to eating... then we walked to Dhoby...

Didn't think I'd last the night cos I was up since 8am trying to settle some modules stuff. And I really really like to sleep, and really really really need to sleep. But amazingly I didn't even doze off... though at certain times it felt so conducive to sleep - especially when we were sitting in front of Dhoby Ghaut MRT waiting for it to open and Gardenia was singing, and sometimes D was singing... haha... no they weren't singing lullaby but still... haha...

something very great about walking long distances... I remember that time working at RIL before uni, there was one Saturday when after my work (half day), I walked and walked and walked and walked... 11am till about 5pm... without stopping... it was quite fun... looking at things, looking at the sky, thinking about stuff, no rush, no hurry...

that day after dinner at 85 with Gardenia, HY, ZS & STk, walked home... looking at the reservoir at night... very peaceful feeling.. the nice cool air...

then yesterday... a different feeling when walking with others... but still a nice feeling...

nope... wasn't a failed night hike trial for me at least...;)
posted by Sodium-squared at 12/21/2003 07:20:00 PM

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