in thoughts...

Friday, December 12, 2003

Island Life, Love It!

Haha... got islander pass liao... finally... now can zip off to Sentosa anytime I want, dun even need 3 bucks in my wallet...

went yesterday... with Db, G & Gardenia to inline skate... S, HY & SX went as well... Haven't skated for the longest time... left my skates with LY, and heh, got it back from her on Tue, thanks gal, for passing it to me... hmmm, still not very good at it... dun dare to try the slopes yet... legs a bit aching... wrong technique i think... but what the heck... for those few moments of the breeze in my face... worth it lah! Gardenia, Sunday onz again yah!

After skating had to rush for meeting at city hall, but it rained... it BLOODY POURED... when I got off the bus, standing at the bus stop, looking at the POURING rain, and at the distance I had to sprint across to reach the sheltered underpass, I was shaking my head and thinking: This is madness... haha... but running across and getting drenched... was quite fun lah... haha... haven't done that for really long... those type of very soaking rain...

After meeting, stayed a while to talk to SM, B, Dah, M & Gardenia... talked about some things I'd like to blog about... BUT NOW, my bro just bought extended version of TWO TOWERS... hiak hiak hiak... gonna watch... till later... ;)
posted by Sodium-squared at 12/12/2003 09:43:00 PM

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