in thoughts...

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Absolut-leeU... pray for me... and for good weather...

a lot of things to do.
not enough time.
correction: poor time management and planning.
memory not good enough. can't even remember to write things down so I won't forget later.
I try though.

wonderful friends. LOTS of encouragement and support.

Trial camp today.
was late cos was trying to type everyone's details into a file and get ready emergency contact info and allergies and blood type and what not. should have been done long before. but it's PROCRASTINATION, so have to deal with it now without complaining. but I'm whining here. what the heck.
was late cos was trying to get ready stuff that I can work on for the rest of today while I'm not at home. printer ran out of ink. had to replace cartridge.
was late cos tot I'd be faster catching a lift from my sister to tanjong pagar. oh well. she took bloody long to bathe.
had to leave early to get sponsored drinks with V and ZS. Thanks for helping! and of cos with the help of our steady driver JM and his car. tried to help with the map reading lah, but erm, he kinda figured out the way also, so I wasn't much help.
had to go home after getting drinks and missed much of trial camp cos had to get ready to go for my uncle's wedding dinner.
BUT whatever bit I got to play for trial camp was fun. activities are not to be revealed here though, for the benefit of some campers. Hee.
just got news that one camper is sick and won't be coming for camp. oh well. hope she gets better. hols are one of the worst times to get sick. Heck, anytime is a bad time to get sick.
realized during the dinner that I should have done a lot more things before today. damn.
phew. long day.
so. Pray for me, and pray that 3 - 5 Dec it doesn't rain in Sentosa. Ok that sounds too greedy. Ok, pray we'll have short, not sudden, not raining-cats-and-dogs rain on one day then.

this person who stopped calling me some time ago has started to message and call me again. messages started just before my last paper, and THE call came during the wedding dinner. Damn. not looking forward to that. argh.
posted by Sodium-squared at 12/02/2003 01:01:00 AM

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