in thoughts...

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Emotions Galore Part 2...this is a freaking long entry...

Day Two, 4th Dec 2003
almost didn't want to wake up. was quite tired cos i'm one person who needs my sleep. but had to drag myself up. Throat hurt. Darn. WF sprained her leg, had to go home...asked Sb to join her group in her place..
After breakfast had KS's Tangram game... was quite interesting seeing how the campers in my group worked together, cos I missed seeing how they did Silent puzzle the night before... then shifted down to the beach to play stones to paradise... J gave me a play-play head massage with finger pressure... felt good...XS picked a stone for me, jokingly saying that it's a lucky stone.. kept it in my pouch...;)
Had a camper who had not been feeling so well since the night before, so I made it a point to ask if she was fine enough to continue, cos the game (we were all certain) would drag at least till noon... she told me she was better already and could continue, so I told her if she's not feeling too good, inform us straight away.. the weather was good, cool breeze and slight sun... after some time that camper had to sit down cos she was feeling giddy... later it got worse, but she didn't want to go home... seniors started coming over to me to say if necessary I had to step in to get her to go home, to overwrite her decision to stay...went to talk to the camper together with J, who was her perm faci... realized what was her reason for wanting to her back to the huts to rest...
Feeling the weight of the responsibility - what it feels like to be held responsible for another person's life.

The rest of the afternoon went fine... helped YZ and Kp prepare for Reach for the pail game... when we finished setting up the whole thing, one small group of people (in late 20s I think) walked by and asked what we were doing... told them we were preparing for a game, then they wanted to try out... oh well... might as well let some ppl try and see if today's setup was okie... since they volunteered... haha... they were quite funny... anyway they got the pail out after a few minutes... din seem too difficult, so we upped the water level in the pail.. hiak hiak...also played balloon bursting game just for fun...
Feeling good after running around trying to burst balloons.

When preparing setup for chair game, was a bit uptight about the night's game, so me & Db got on each other's nerves for a while over a small thing... I went over to the other side to finish up setup, Db went back to our hut to get stuff... then I cooled down and realized how trivial it all was... went back to our hut... me and Db apologized simultaneously and we laughed... a precious moment...
Feeling thankful for the friendship that we have.

Group set out for Ic's night game after playing "move the people" game... me, Kv and YZ set out slowly to our station with pails... Db joined us later, then me and her went over up to lifeguard's tower to talk... damn nice place... then had to rush back to pass SYg keys so she could bring a camper back... after that went back to huts to wait for groups to return... was a bit shocked by the way one group returned cos it wasn't very safe... it was quite scary to think about consequences had anything gone wrong... could tell that there was some tension between certain people after that...
Feeling for the second time that day - the BURDEN of responsibility for people's safety.

after everyone came back then I felt I could finally be more relaxed, so went to get my bathing stuff... Al accompanied me and we talked - before bathing, and after bathing when we went back to huts... I just spilled everything out to her... and I'm so glad she was there to listen and offer me an objective view of things, to keep me in check...I had taken the DISC test in the afternoon, realized that I hadn't changed much since last year... still a "specialist"... and I told Al that the weaknesses the test stated rang very true in me... I mean, I know I shouldn't take the test toooo seriously, in fact, I advised the 2 campers who were taking the test under my directions to just read the results but don't take it too seriously... but the test results for me just hit bull's eye lah... a bit hard for me not to take it seriously... but Al talked to me and I felt better... and then fatigue finally started to take its toll... was straining to keep my eyes open when Db came in and she and Al were talking to me...just told them straight I can't tahan already, or else it'd be damn rude if they were talking and I just ZZzzz off...

Day Three, 5th Dec 2003
Woke up thinking: OMIGOSH - LAST DAY OF CAMP.
Rushed to write warm fuzzies for people... had been lazy and hadn't written anything at all... so many people who made me feel happier, better, made me learn, offered me support and encouragement... I could spend the whole day writing... still owe Al & HJ their warm fuzzies...
Was in a mess trying to collect room keys back... argh...
My butt kena dipped in pool... dunno why so "heng" to be the first Absolut chair to get it.. J din kena last year!!! Al said this year Absolut camp break tradition cos it didn't rain (yes, I'm counting my blessings already), so have to create this new tradition in place...water din come from above, so must come from below... haha...
Had to stay back a while to settle room key problem after the groups left... felt quite touched that YZ and JM stayed back and din leave with their groups...
Then we went harbourfront together... thought my group not there anymore, but they were... but I din join them because I felt it'd be super weird if I butted in now, cos they were already so close... so sat with YZ and JM waiting for YZ's group which got stuck on monorail that broke down (haha).. so it was weird, me and my group, separated by a glass pane at the food court... symbolism? So near and yet so far... but it's my fault lah, din make the effort...
After YZ's group arrived, we ate, then left... JM sent YZ, me & Db home with our barang.. on the trip back I started reading my warm fuzzies...all were very encouraging... felt very touched... especially by Al's half page long "essay" to me... I almost cried while I was reading it on the car... think YZ must be wondering why my eyes were all red... haha...

The camp's over... It has finally sunk in...
posted by Sodium-squared at 12/07/2003 01:59:00 PM

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