in thoughts...

Monday, December 08, 2003

A Little Droplet that got pulled up....

It was 1st Dec, Trial Camp day... Was sitting in JM's car as we went with V and ZS to get the drinks... after that it started raining... I was sitting in the front seat... and after that for part of the journey it become a light drizzle...

So on the window pane there were small little droplets of water all over... then as the car moved forward, occasionally there'll be this one droplet of water that will be moving backwards, due to the wind pushing it back as the car drove on... if you sit in a car you might watch out for it next time... so this Droplet is pushed by the wind, it'll join up with droplets it meets along the way to form a bigger droplet... by right because it gets heavier it should drop downwards...

But what I saw was this: as the Droplet moved towards the back, whenever it joined up with a droplet that was higher than its original position, it'll get pulled up... then it'll start drooping a little and start to move down till it meets the next droplet that's higher by a little, and it moves up again...

At that point I felt that I was like that Droplet being forced by the wind to the back of the car... I was pushed in a direction, perhaps at too fast a speed for my liking... and I would have slid down down down, if not for the encouragement of many people, who were like the little droplets pulling that one Droplet up... and that Droplet grew bigger as it went past more little droplets... just as I gained strength from many people's encouragement...

Thank you to all who acted as my droplets...
posted by Sodium-squared at 12/08/2003 04:26:00 PM

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