in thoughts...

Sunday, December 28, 2003

Night Hike...

that was last night till this morning... hee... reached home at 8am this morning and slept till 130pm... feeling very energized now... haha..

Hmmm... perhaps shall start on my mentality before the hike... was a bit tired, and honestly after a gathering a few days ago I am very very seriously reminded of how anti-social I am, then got a couple of people I can talk comfortably to, not coming for hike... so on the bus was wondering if during hike will get replay of that... I know gardenia going, but I was just telling Al that I'm growing more and more dependent on her, which is not good... cos that's hiding back into my comfort zone and not trying to get to know other people...

So at the start I did try to talk to this guy who came on his own - a SWAPS member who signed up for hike when he saw the publicity... but didn't really keep up with it... talked to LnYn for a while but for most of the hike was with gardenia in the end... Ended up playing song charades with her and JM most of the night, then trying to remember songs and sing them with Gardenia... was quite fun trying to sing "Stand By Me" with her and Gene... cos 2 of us doing the "percussion" sounds and clapping while Gene was supposed to sing, but he kept missing the entry... then we were singing with Gaozi and both me and Gardenia had to adjust our key... haha... and all the funny TV ad songs for kids' products...

then Gardenia and me went to sit with JM in his car, cos haha scared he fall asleep then drive quite bad talk talk talk in the car...

beautiful skies this morning.... ;) really really nice...
posted by Sodium-squared at 12/28/2003 04:30:00 PM

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