in thoughts...

Monday, January 19, 2004

dang... missed "Planet of Apes"...

argh... missed watching Planet of Apes on Channel 5 last night... was leaving my home to come to campus hall when I saw my brother watching it... sheesh... read the book and wanted to watch the show to see how different it is... the book was a very good read... easy and engaging... but of course translated... original author was French, if I'm not wrong... but the storyline was good... but of course when you shoot it into a movie you'll have to change plenty, especially for this book... won't be dynamic enough if the orang-utans, gorillas and chimps spoke their own language that we didn't understand...

was doing spring cleaning during whatever time I had left from the weekend after tuition on Saturday... and while we were cleaning the house my brother was playing Band of Brothers on the dvd player... sigh... wanted to watch the whole series during Dec hols, but didn't find the time to... now that school's started and I'm in hall, even less chance... but I've seen parts of it... certain parts that are my brother's faves, I've seen a couple of times... he loves to show me the gruesome parts... I'm not really grossed out, but it's just amazing how they manage to make it seem so real... well at least it's how I imagine the real thing will look like...

I dunno why I'm writing about this... haha... bored i think... nothing much is happening... over the last couple of days had a few thoughts but they slipped away too soon... brain's empty now...
posted by Sodium-squared at 1/19/2004 01:09:00 PM

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