in thoughts...

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Giving Tuition during Chinese New Year... & Going to Gene's place...

gets me ang baos... hee... a bit paiseh, din expect the tuition kid parents to give me ang bao but they did...

Well dear B was very "nice" - his mum always pours drinks for me during lesson (I always get rather nice drinks - stuff with aloe vera or some new drink products, think they go grocery shopping for fun new stuff frequently...) So this lesson it was the packet drink of Yeo's Green Tea with Peach... Dear B offered to help me poke my straw into the packet, which he did - the wrong way... he pushed the shorter portion in, followed by the longer portion... NOTE: this kid doesn't have low IQ or something... He knew perfectly what he was doing... I was half-heartedly watching him while trying to mark his book and I think I mumbled, "Don't push the whole thing in arh... " and he said "Opps" as the whole straw disappeared into the drink...
He gave me his cheeky grin.... EEEEEEEEEdiot.... Still dare to say, "Oh never mind I help you dig out" and attempts to poke his mechanical pencil tip into the hole... I just drank from the small hole... And as an afterthought he said "Hey later you drink finish must hurry up throw away leh... later my mother see..."

*shakes head*

He showed me his ulcer every 20 minutes... and each time he showed it he'll spend about 2 minutes complaining about how painful it is and how the last time it was 3 small ulcers stuck together... as it was, tuition during CNY was a very relaxed affair of looking at ulcers, trying to tell him the 3 states of matter, and how to help clothes dry faster by increasing evaporation.. haha..

Went to Gene's place last night... He opened house.. hee... nice place... YZ was asking him what this type of house is called - it's known as town house I think I heard... had nice Japanese pizza... very interesting... not bad... very novel I must say... first time eating it... and Deb was saying she thought the Japanese crackers I bought were the weirdest thing already... haha... now: Japanese pizza... cool.. haha.. played cards after KM came cos he brought the cards... then we squeezed unto his car to send Gaozi and J to Buona Vista MRT... and then we (YZ, Gardenia, me, KM) went to Fong Seng to meet HJ...

dunno what we were talking about, but suddenly saw HJ grinning in a very cheeky manner and it looked totally like B's (my tuition kid) cheeky look! haha... quite funny...

anyway KM sent me and Gardenia back to EA, then the 3 of them went off on some funny places.. haha..

I was thinking sure cannot finish my 2 tutorial homework for monday... but HEY... Tehchinno from prata shop actually kept me awake!! haha... we wanted to sleep at 2am, I tossed around till 230, decided I was too awake and just wasting time... so turned on the lamp and read my personality text till 4am before deciding to sleep... WAH DAMN FRUITFUL... absorbed the material super fast... was actually still quite awake but had set alarm for 615am so wanted to really wake up on time... but couldn't lah... haha... 615am sat up to turn off alarm 655am stupid Gardenia threw her 2 soft toys at me, I sat up but fell back down to sleep more... 8am then really woke up... haha...

and so amazing... I managed to finish all my work for the 2 tutorials! haha... super duper amazing... haha... okie gonna sleep early tonight!

Sleep tight folks! ;)
posted by Sodium-squared at 1/27/2004 12:38:00 AM

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