in thoughts...

Monday, May 31, 2004

a song for flower


曲:郭文贤 词:姚若龙
我无法帮你预言 委曲求全有没有用
可是我多么不舍 朋友爱的那么苦痛
爱可以不问对错 至少有喜悦感动
如果他总为别人撑伞 你何苦非为他等在雨中
泡咖啡让你暖手 想挡挡你心口里的风
你却想上街走走 吹吹冷风会清醒的多
你说你不怕分手 只有一点遗憾难过
情人节就要来了 剩自己一个
其实爱对了人 情人节每天都过
分手快乐 祝你快乐 你可以找到更好的
不想过冬 厌倦沉重 就飞去热带的岛屿游泳
分手快乐 请你快乐 挥别错的才能和对的相逢
离开旧爱 像坐慢车 看透彻了心就会是晴朗的

posted by Sodium-squared at 5/31/2004 12:22:00 AM

Saturday, May 29, 2004

A Fear Revisited

the sound of water escaping.
the feel of insecurity.
the sinking feeling.
that sucky feeling of water up in the nose.
that wild thrashing of arms.

i'll always remember that moment. but i'd hate to let it control me.

it's getting better. just gotta keep at it.
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/29/2004 12:43:00 AM

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

the final words before THE fight...

one day when i'm really really really free, i'll go watch all the movies that have really big big battle scenes, and then record down what the generals, commanders say to their men just before they go fight the enemy.

all quotes below according to memory. a not very good memory. but the gist of what i love about them is there. :)

from Troy -
Achilles - "You see what lies beyond that beach? Immortality. Take it! It's yours!"
Hector - "All my life I've lived according to these principles: Honor the gods, love your woman, fight for your country. Troy has been Mother to us all, fight for her!"

from LOTR, especially Return of the King -
quite a number from Gandalf and Aragorn, let my brother get the dvd before i post more. Hiak hiak hiak.

from Matrix Reloaded -
Morpheus - "What if the war could end tomorrow? Isn't it worth fighting for? Isn't it worth dying for?"

even some from 寻秦记 :)more on this if i ever get down to doing it.

the final words before the fight. has to inspire the men to be ready to give their best. and maybe that's why i like them so much. a lot of impact. :)
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/26/2004 01:30:00 PM

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

oh and i din like BOTH women in TROY. eee. dun like the characters. as for the actors, i think Diane Kruger (or what's her name? Helen la) quite pretty leh. the other one, so-so lah.
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/25/2004 12:03:00 AM

Monday, May 24, 2004

Troja :)

yes. finally went to watch. with abated breath. high expectations. most fulfilled, but left feeling like, well, something's lacking.

Hector's my favourite character of all. Got guts, got brain, logical (not superstitious like his dad), cares for his wife and son, can fight, is fair and respects his enemies. And he's not totally detached - he was upset when he saw that he killed Achilles' cousin, who was only just a boy. KUDOS to him.

Din like Achilles that much, on the other hand. Rash, wild, couldn't control his anger, probably acted before he thought, and i got real pissed when he rushed off to kill Hector just because Hector killed his cousin. No one life can be said to be more precious than another, you idiot. and when he din agree with Hector's pact to allow the defeated a proper burial, eee... don't like him at all at that point.. though you could argue that Hector was just trying to assure himself of a proper burial (cos high likelihood he was gonna lose), but still, hey, what good is venting your anger on a dead guy by cutting his ears and gouging his eyes and what not? and the scene when he was giving a few out-of-character sobs while wrapping up Hector's body to return to Hector's dad, "I'll see you soon, brother." HUH?? BROTHER? you din seem so friendly when you killed him huh. kill already then come and cry. what? suddenly realize your own mortality while you were pursuing immortality? pahf.

Paris Paris Paris. Mr Loverboy. Idealistic boy, or should i say fool? for one woman. ONE BLOODY WOMAN. at this point the image of Paris pops up and says, "It's for LOVE!"

yeah well. like, whatever. was totally amazed when his dad actually said, some wars are fought for honor, some fought for glory and all that, and maybe this one fought for love is not so meaningless. HUH? for love? are you sure? more like lust maybe.

right. on to the actors and directing. Brad Pitt has a good bod. I din need to say that, cos like every one knows. HAH. but i think it's great professionalism on his part to GIVE UP SMOKING and train up for the movie. good for you. smoking's bad anyway. :) really liked the way he fought, very smooth and controlled, no messy lashing out. and wah, the way he leaps up to stick the sword into his opponent's neck/shoulder, WAH. and did you get the first scene when he just LEAPS-FLIES unto his horse?? *blink blink*

i know how everyone loves Orlando Bloom in his blonde Legolas look. but i still think he looks fine the way he is naturally. and it's especially great that he can look good with blonde hair. versatility will get you far. and my goodness, he looks fabulous shooting arrows. leave the sword-fighting and shields to Pitt and Bana. The arrows are for Bloom.

Actually Bana's quite good looking also. and of cos he looked much better than he did in The Hulk. haha. but i loved the BABY that played his son!! SO PRETTY! BLUE EYES AND NICE SOFT HAIR! my goodness. sooooo lovely. wonderful acting too, if in fact the little baby realized what expression he was having - the scene just before Hector goes out to meet Achilles to fight, when his mum was carrying him to face Hector, the baby actually had this "huh, where are you going?" look... looking up to his father's face.. then crying when Hector goes off to fight. WAH. Brilliant baby. dunno how many takes that took though. haha.

the fighting scenes. yes the fighting moves were good. but wah piang, when they film the fighting scene, the camera will do terribly terribly close ups that actually MOVE while they're fighting. gives me a bloody headache. and during these moments, i'd have absolutely no idea what my bloody eyeballs are focusing on, and by the time my bloody eyeballs adjust to it, the scene's shifted again. i think it would have been better to shoot close, but still with some distance, then do IMMEDIATE closeups, you know, like one scene you see full-bodied shots, the next scene is like a face shot kinda thing. okie never mind. I still love the way Peter Jackson does his fighting scenes for LOTR - a lot of people, but doesn't give me headache or doesn't give my eyeballs a bloody workout while i'm trying to follow who's striking who.

but yeah, it's been worth my $$. :)
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/24/2004 11:15:00 PM

Sunday, May 23, 2004

hee. *nods*

bits of cute stuff from the book "Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination" again..
Rules for Living by Olivia Joules
1. Never panic. Stop, breathe, think.
2. No one is thinking about you. They're thinking about themselves, just like you. (PS this is especially useful for events like formal dinners and parties where you feel totally self-conscious)
3. Never change haircut or colour before an important event.
4. Nothing is either as bad or as good as it seems.
5. Do as you would be done by, e.g., thou shalt not kill.
6. It is better to buy one expensive thing that you really like than several cheap ones that you only quite like.
7. Hardly anything matters: if you get upset, ask yourself, 'Does it really matter?'
8. The key to success lies in how you pick yourself up from failure.
9. Be honest and kind.
10. Only buy clothes that make you feel like doing a small dance.
11. Trust your instincts, not your overactive imagination.
12. When overwhelmed by disaster, check if it's really a disaster by doing the following:
a. think, 'Oh, fuck it,'
b. look on the bright side, and, if that doesn't work, look on the funny side.
if neither of the above works then maybe it is a disaster so turn to items 1 & 5.
13. Don't expect the world to be safe or life to be fair.
14. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.
15. Don't regret anything. Remember there wasn't anything else that could have happened, given who you were and the state of the world at that moment. The only thing you can change is the present, so learn from the past.
16. If you start regretting something and thinking,'I should have done...' always add, 'but then i might have been run over by a lorry or blown up by a Japanese-manned torpedo.'
Olivia: Have you had a row with Dominic?
Kate: I hate him.
Olivia: Oh, you mean it's still on. Love and hate are the same thing. The opposite of love is indifference.
Kate: Shut up. I hate him.
Scott Rich: Guys like women to look natural.
Olivia: Wrong. They want women to look how they do when they've finished doing their hair and make-up to look natural.
i think i should just go buy the book. i'm like posting every worthy thing on my blog. haha.
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/23/2004 12:22:00 PM

more from Olivia Joules..

Helen Fielding is good.. writer of Bridget Jones's Diary by the way - which i've yet to read or watch. next on my list, yeah.

some words to think about from a character called Prof Widgett:
'Your integrity - that's the fly in the ointment,'he rasped. 'That's why you're a good spy. People trust you, which means you can betray them.'
'I don't feel good,'[Olivia] said.
'Bloody good thing too,' he said. 'Never feel good. The corruption of the good by the belief in their own infallible goodness is the most bloody dangerous human pitfall. Once you have conquered all your sins, pride is the one which will conquer you. A man starts off deciding he is a good man because he makes good decisions. Next thing, he's convinced that whatever decision he makes must be good because he's a good man. So you've got Bin Laden hitting the Twin Towers and Tony Blair invading Baghdad. Most of the wars in the world are caused by people who think they have God on their side. Always stick with people who know they are flawed and ridiculous.'

I'm liking this book more and more.

in case you're wondering why he talks about Blair and Baghdad but doesn't say anything about Bush, it's cos the character's based in Britain, not US. I'm not gonna comment on Bush. Pahf.
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/23/2004 12:01:00 PM

sec sch class outing...

went out with sec 2 class peepz today after my tuition..i think of all my school class groups, i meet this group the most. and i'm glad, cos of the conscientious and consistent efforts of particularly CC and JH, we get to meet up at least once per hols... ;) and in fact we're reaching more and more classmates with each outing! cool! last time always the same group turn up.. at least today saw HL and C! hee... improvement... and getting slightly better in the communication network liao... ask this person to ask that person... all that kinda stuff... so if one comes will ask the other to come also... ;)

went to NYDC for makan.. joined them late cos of tuition.. but they're as hilarious as usual.. especially the guys... man, i miss my sec 2 days, cos that's when our class was really close, and the guys always had lots of nonsense up their sleeves.. and it's amazing how they still come up with so much crap when they come together like this, after so many years.. ST was commenting that they like never grow up, and after army still the same.. but it's cute lah, to see them like their old selves.. something comfortingly familiar about it..

we went ktv after that... but only WJ, ST, CC and me sang... the others so shy! i'm making sure JH sings the next time we go.. haha... she says it's her first time at ktv, so feel a bit weird, so when we hold the mike near her she just doesn't sing.. haha..

took cab home with ST and WJ.. and it's really heartening to hear WJ say, just before i got off, to msg him when i get home, though i just have to cross the rd after dropping from the cab.. a marked difference from last time class outings where everyone just went home w/o caring whether who got home safely or not.. and in that sense, this is how we've grown up i guess.. and these funny guys, with all their wacky antics, yeah, they've learned to look out for us... i'm not gonna go on all the shit about how guys should do this and that for girls, cos i think it's 2-way.. so i asked WJ to msg me too when he reached home.. and i asked CC to msg me also when he reached home, cos he was running off to catch last train...

well, came home, bathed and turned on laptop... after a while saw CC online - apparently he din see my sms cos his phone downstairs and he lazy to go down to get.. so he asked me what i msged him about.. so i said i asked him to msg me when he reached home, and he automatically replied, "wah seh..... shudnt that be my job.......erm , i'm the guy after all"


yeah.. if you dun bother with such "let me know when you're home safe" messages, i'm fine with it. but you get a tinge more good feeling from me if you bother. and i think there's absolutely nothing wrong about girls asking if guys reach home safely liao. there are some things that could happen to guys when they're on the way home also mah... ;)
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/23/2004 12:59:00 AM

Saturday, May 22, 2004

i just wanna read...

db was reading "Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination" during guys' health check, i read the first page and tot it interesting, so went to find it. now about half-way thru it.

i like fiction books, especially those with little bits of gems hidden. not those self-help wannabe books that tell you straight out what to do with your life, but books that subtly give you ideas.

from this book by Helen Fielding, from what i've read so far, i like this part, where Olivia meets this old couple who asks her to take a photograph for them. They tell her that they are on their honeymoon.

'Your honeymoon? Have you known each other a long time?'
'Fifty years,' said Edward proudly. 'She wouldn't have me when she were eighteen.'
'Well, you started courting someone else. What did you expect?'
'Only because you wouldn't have me.'

"Well,' said Elsie, 'anyway, he thought I weren't interested, and I thought he weren't interested, and we lived in the same town for fifty years and never said 'owt. Then my husband died, and Vera, that was Edward's wife as was, she died, and then...'
'Well, here we are. We was married two weeks ago and we've got a lot of missed time to make up for.'
'That's so sad,' said Olivia. 'All that time, wasted.'
'Aye,' said Edward.
'Nay, lass,' said Elsie. 'You can't go regretting stuff because there wasn't anything else that could have happened.'
'What do you mean?'
'well, you know, it's cause and effect. Every time anything happens it's because of all the other things happening all over the world. Any time you make a decision, there wasn't 'owt else you could have done because it were who you were, like, and it was all the things that happened up to then that made you decide that. So there's no point regretting 'owt.'

I love the idea of nature and nurture. and in that sense, how much control one has over life. this is perhaps the world's way of making you feel not so bad.

things dun go your way, but you tried your best, hey.. just think - there's a limit to how much you can do, cos part of it is nature at work.

nature handed you a lousy card, but hey.. just think - there are things within your control, you can change some stuff to make things better.

it's easy to comfort yourself in this way... thinking that nothing is absolute, but not exaggerating your inner locus of control.. of course this is easy to abuse... but oh well.. nothing is perfect rite?

feeling like i just wanna shut the world out and read and read and read...
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/22/2004 12:04:00 AM

Friday, May 21, 2004

Mister God, This is Anna.

bought a book when i went for lunch break at kk observation yesterday.

Mister God, This is Anna. By Fynn.
"Fynn found Anna wandering the streets of East London in the 1930s and, unable to discover where she lived, took her home to live with his mother.

Fynn would spend his evenings talking and playing with Anna; they chatted about life, particularly science and mathematics, and Anna would tell him about her conversations with 'Mister God', to whom she poured out all her thoughts and troubles. Anna's innocent but insightful world-view caused Fynn to reassess his own."

it says at the bottom that it's an all-time classic (well i've never heard of it, but then again that's me..) but i bought the book because of one passage i happened to see:

"Our local parson was taken aback when he asked her[Anna] about God. The conversation went as follows:
'Do you believe in God?'
'Do you know what God is?'
'What is God then?'
'He's God!'
'Do you go to church?'
'Why not?'
'Because I know it all!'
'What do you know?'
'I know to love Mister God and to love people and cats and dogs and spiders and flowers and trees', and the catalogue went on, '-with all of me.'

...Anna had bypassed all the non-essentials and distilled centuries of learning into one sentence - 'And God said love me, love them, and love it, and don't forget to love yourself.'

The whole business of adults going to church filled Anna with suspicion. The idea of collective worship went against her sense of private conversations with Mister God. As for going to church to meet Mister God, that was preposterous. After all, if Mister God wasn't everywhere, he wasn't anywhere. For her, church-going and 'Mister God' talks had no necessary connection. For her the whole thing was transparently simple. You went to church to get the message when you were very little. Once you had got it, you went out and did something about it. Keeping on going to church was because you hadn't got the message, or didn't understand it, or it was 'just for swank'."

Anna, by the way, is a six-year-old. So dun fault her if you dun agree with her. but the passage made me smile. such brilliance from a six-year-old (fictional? i dunno, and i dun really care).

why did i smile? connected with a few points just within this passage.

i think The Higher Being's rules are really really simple - it boils down to just some easy rules (which maybe for mere mortals like us are just not easy to adhere to, easy to understand does not = easy to do). Humans complicate every bloody thing they can get their hands on.

of cos her understanding of it all is really really simple. and that made me smile because of the genuinity of it all. you have to give it to kids to see things this way.

about going to church 'just for swank'. YEAH man. this one had me smiling. i was, for a long time, very upset with people who became christians because it was "cool". my gawd. *slaps hand to forehead and rolls eyes*

i saw this quote elsewhere. "I'm a corrupted idealist - they call me a cynic."

and i realized what my problem with religion is. because towards other stuff i'm already a cynic. but towards religion i'm still an idealist. that's why what i see disturbs me, and it pushes me further and further away.

Mister God, This is Joanna. Give me time to see past all this.
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/21/2004 09:59:00 PM

i think i really really wanna do this... :)

gosh. went to kk for observation yesterday and it was amazing. really occupied my whole time there observing cases (only a short lapse where there were no cases for me to observe, so S popped me over at Physiotherapy to observe a while.)Saw a total of 3 different Speech Language therapists at work, and all 3 ladies have different styles of working, but wow, they're really good. my new idols. and the thing about them is that they're so NICE and FRIENDLY!! made me feel totally at ease, and if the SLT i was following didn't have any case for me to see, she'd ask around to see if the others had any for me to observe, so that my visit was really worthwhile. and they would ask from time to time if i had any questions, and they are always so willing to answer all my questions.

and the thing about kk - was all the kids. hee. they're really really cute, all of them. working with kids means you might get short attention span, tantrums, easy fatigue, but the SLTs were really great with games and ways to keep their attention and interest. lesson taken home - it's not what game you play with them, it's how you do it and what your goals and aims are - sometimes it doesn't even have to be a game, and they'd be interested all the same.

couldn't go up with them to the wards because of kk policy, but wow, the outpatient cases were fascinating enough for me. tho S did say that the words had some cases that i would have wanted to see, but oh well. oh and i got to see some VFS(videofluoroscopy) on both days of my observations! COOL! it's basically a moving X-ray thingy, where they film how the patient swallows, to check for problems, and think of how to rectify or improve the situation.

lecturer emailed me to check again that i'm not a shared major btw psych and english, cos one guy at first said psych major then now clarified he's a shared, so now he's eligible for the internship. dang. i've half a mind to convert into a shared too, but that means i've to do extra modules cos i've already spent 2 UEs on german. that probably means 6 modules in each of my year 3 semesters, which will honestly kill me. and i think i wanna take basic malay next sem, think it'd be useful not only in daily life, but cos if i really wanna do speech therapy, quite some patients in the wards (esp the older folks) speak malay. and i should try to learn dialect properly as well. haha.such a hopeless case in dialect. haha..
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/21/2004 10:00:00 AM

Thursday, May 20, 2004

wait a minute.. am i reading it right?

correct me if i'm wrong.

our lovely university has agreed to give us back "part" of our recess week. go for break on monday.. ladidadida.. and come back on Fri??!! what's with the hanging in the mid-air thing?? wanna give back, then give it back full lah! so niao one... but wat the hell.. better than nothing lah. i was just DYING the last 2 sems without the break.


oh cool, this girl from canoe course just emailed the rest of us to pass her our contacts, so can jio when we wanna go canoe on our own, like small group.

heh. cool.
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/20/2004 12:03:00 AM

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

tired.. yawnz..

it's been a day; an eye-opener. I'm glad I went for the observation session at AH. really saw a lot of things, not quite what I expected, but I kinda like what I saw too. Going over to KK tomorrow to do observation session as well. should be seeing more kids' cases tomorrow - today's was mainly elderly and problems with swallowing. managed to see an x-ray session too. damn cool. more details after tomorrow's observation session. i'm too tired to write coherent thoughts now, though i did make notes just now. but man, the thing about hospitals, i've to wake up early - it's almost like going back to primary school. woke up today, was in the kitchen when i heard the school bus go by the car park below my block. sheesh. haven't woke up that early for a loooooong time. and AH is quite far from my home. at least KK not so bad.

dang. I'm missing Graham's research session YET again. 4 meetings so far and i only made it for the first one. and i've to give tomorrow's meeting a miss cos i've the observation session, which took damn long to secure and i'm not missing it for the world. argh. and now i have absolutely no idea where the research is going, what they're doing, what they're talking about. sheesh. but then again, it wasn't what i really expected. haii. looks like i'm going out of it man...
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/19/2004 11:26:00 PM

gold heart
Heart of Gold

What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/19/2004 10:54:00 PM

What Color is Your Brain?

brought to you by Quizilla
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/19/2004 10:50:00 PM

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

went to Road Safety Park yesterday with the children from APSN (association for persons with special needs, i think). YL informed me about it, think Jn was in charge of it. YL was my chairperson from CIC, and Jn was our senior (chairperson for prev batch of CIC). glad they still keep in touch, otherwise i wouldn't have known about this.

we were walking from kembangan mrt to APSN, i was walking with YL, and she was just commenting that some people just don't change, and she said Jn's one of them. and she's right. he's still so involved in volunteer work that i really kowtow to him. all thru jc, army, and now in nus but still with RDA and organizing other stuff, like yesterday's rd safety park trip. he was the one getting all the volunteers.

YL's still somewhat involved - she's doing fundraising for a overseas volunteer programme. more of the background work for now, but will probably be doing frontline volunteer work (as in face to face with other people) when she goes on the trip.

me? stopped almost any kinda involvement. we reached rd safety park and we were just waiting for further instructions when Jn walked over to me and YL saying, "hey, ex-CIC leaders, two of you standing here and modelling ah? can go mingle with the kids mah.."

yeah, really lost touch liao. needed some warmup. but after that was okie lah. was in charge of bringing a girl, P, around the park and i hope she remembers her kerb drill (look right, look left, look right). it's just the thing about me and volunteer work - sometimes i wonder if i really contributed anything. you wonder how much you can do, and for how long.

on the bus back to APSN Jn asked if i was working this hols. told him nope, just giving tuition. he asked if interested to go help in RDA. hmm. always wanted to go try it out there, didn't get to do any contact with them during my term in CIC though. the horses are really nice, but think it's quite far away. but since my internship's blown, and i'm still figuring out how i can get a stint at one of the hospitals, it's an idea. oh well. see how things go for tomorrow - will be going for an observation session at AH, to see how the speech therapist work. ;)
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/18/2004 12:45:00 PM

a look into the past...

had been packing my stuff the past week or so, cos dad and mum bought new desk and big big book cabinet for me. now can put all the books nicely. and my whole collection of 金庸小说 finally got a respectable place to be in, rather than being stashed away and hidden by my sister's other stuff.. haha..

was going thru my old stuff. spent quite some time re-reading old letters. i'm quite glad i kept them. and yeap, i'll still be keeping them. it hit me that there were some people who were in my life, that I didn't make the effort to keep them where they were in my life. and they've slipped out of my life. somewhat. and thank goodness for all those funny cliques you make and the weird names you give your group - somehow it keeps you together, even if you dun keep much in contact frequently, when you come together there's still something there, that doesn't make you feel like a stranger.
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/18/2004 11:58:00 AM

Monday, May 17, 2004

sunburnt but oh so fun! :)

went for one star canoeing course over the weekend.
i'm like quite burnt now, cos the sun was so so hot these 2 days.
but man, so fun! thinking of maybe going for the expedition, tho i think i'm still not very good.

oh the instructor speaks like Daniel Chan. HAHA...

it was quite fun kayaking with SY. She's quite good at steering.hee. cos i'm quite hopeless with changing direction. takes me 2 whole seconds to figure out which stroke to use. haha. and she's quite good at balancing, haha. the way i was tipping it, we'd have capsized quite a few times. haha..

but fun. so fun. we went out from kallang to somewhere near east coast (according to instructor - i couldn't really recognize the place), rode the waves a bit when we went there. felt a bit more tedious coming back, mayb was tired by then. but wah, it's amazing how much "muscle" you can increase just from 2 days of rowing. haha.

capsizing. was the thing i was fearing quite a bit. cos dunno how to swim, a bit scary. but with the trusty pfd (personal floating device or something) it was quite okie. the moment from you surface to get fresh air, it's quite quite magical. well, for me lah. haha.. then after capsizing, when i bend my head forward, can still smell the seawater that's stuck at the back of my nose. ;) oh and it was quite funny how me and SY always couldn't manage to rock the kayak hard enough to capsize when we need to do it for capsize drill.. haha.. always need 2 tries.. :)

anyone going for two star course must jio ok? :) this is quite quite fun..
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/17/2004 11:42:00 AM

Thursday, May 13, 2004

there goes my internship... :(

Dear Joanna
I'm sorry to have to tell you that the intership is only open to English majors. You would have been one of the strongest contenders, if not the strongest, had you fulfilled the English major part.

Best of luck for the rest of your courses, and keep up the good work.



posted by Sodium-squared at 5/13/2004 11:24:00 PM

Friday, May 07, 2004

rite. finally got to use my laptop, meaning i could access comment boxes, woo hoo!
so i asked "Wanda" 3 questions and i suppose i should stick by the "deal" heh. so yeah:

"I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want and I will answer it. Then, I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
Great idea! Let's get to know each other a little better, shall we?"


posted by Sodium-squared at 5/07/2004 07:39:00 PM

Twinkle twinkle...:)

I am the Star

Daily life is harsh, and most of us constantly seek escape from it in fantasies and dreams. Stars feed on this weakness; standing out from others through a distincitve and appealing type, they make us want to watch them. At the same time, they are vague and ethereal, keeping their distance, and letting us imagine more than is there. Their dreamlike quality works on our unconscious. Learn to become an object of fascination by projecting the glittering but elusive presence of the star.

Symbol: The Idol. A piece of stone carved into the shape of a god, perhaps glittering with gold and jewels. The eyes of the worshippers fill the stone with life, imagining it to have real powers. Its shape allows them to see what they want to see - a god - but it actually just a piece of stone. The god lives in their imaginations.

What Type of Seducer are You?
created by polite_society

posted by Sodium-squared at 5/07/2004 05:21:00 PM

Thursday, May 06, 2004

yawnz. research on computer brain interface research starts tomorrow. feeling a bit psyched. read the article given by graham. i think i got the gist of it lah. haha.. much better than the articles he gave for tutorial during bio psych. *shakes head at the memory*

went grocery shopping with mom in the morning. quite like going grocery shopping. dun ask me why. it's just nice.

anyway we were at the fresh meats section. Position: my mom standing beside this elderly lady. Me standing behind the two of them, holding the basket for my mom.

elderly lady holds this pack of pig back skin (honestly it doesn't look nice at all :P) and turns to face 2 of us. And asked my mom in Teochew if that was pig skin.

Mom answered yes, and elderly lady started telling her that people say that cooking it with dunno-wat and dunno-wat and dunno-wat is good for the legs.

Mom replied yeah, supposed to have dunno-wat and dunno-wat effect.

me at the side thinking, hmm like that also can have conversation. not bad at all. :) think this is quite common experience for my mom. it still amuses me though, how she can make friends at the supermarket. :)

me and mom were walking back to the bus interchange when we passed by this particular sportswear shop (a famous brand with many chains in singapore). There was this old lady sitting in front of the shop selling her jade bangles and stuff, at the area in front of the glass panel, beside the entrance.

Mom told me that the old lady told her that the manager of this branch was a very nice person, letting her set up her floor store in front of the shop, and even letting her store her goods below one of those racks they place outside. The old lady used to set up store at the area that was more exposed to sun and rain, just adjacent to the new store.

i'm not gonna say which sports store that is, but it's really quite a famous one. And i wouldn't have thought that the manager will do what he did. but still think it's cool what he did. a little "Pay It Forward" kinda thing.. :)
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/06/2004 10:34:00 PM

Wednesday, May 05, 2004


without a care
skipping along
life passed her by

a pause
a moment
a standstill

slowly unfroze
life resumed
for the world
but not her

stuck in that moment
her world - frozen
she fell
no getting up
no getting over
that moment

into nothingness
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/05/2004 06:24:00 PM

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Highly recommended!

a very good piece by Wanda. Please read "Face Off" entry on Monday 3 May 2004, 3.27am.

I cannot say it any better than she has. You can read the comments by her other readers for more food for thought.
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/04/2004 05:49:00 PM

What's Your Writing Style?

You are a freeform writer. Individualistic with a
sense for the different and challenging, Walt
Whitman and his poetry lacking meter and rhyme
is just what the doctor ordered. You're quick
to write something that the rest of the world
doesn't accept as poetry, quick to separate
yourself from the average joe. An author with a
true sense of self, you have confidence in your
abilities and aren't afraid to show it. :) GO

What's YOUR Writing Style?
brought to you by Quizilla

Heh, I like the picture a LOT. haha...
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/04/2004 05:40:00 PM

Monday, May 03, 2004

a very weird feeling day..

of seeing your guy classmates come to nus and realizing that they're gonna be freshmen.. feeling kinda "stale"... haha..


feeling like i don't wanna speak... i don't know what to say to people... i don't know how to have a conversation... wishing humans were simpler creatures...


if you accept that people are just plain weird, you won't be surprised much by what they do. but to accept that means that nothing much surprises you anymore. I think i still wanna be surprised. ;)
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/03/2004 09:29:00 PM

Sunday, May 02, 2004

oh man.. just heard William Hung's rendition of Ricky Martin's "She Bangs" on 93.3

I wonder how Ricky Martin feels - a guy sings your song badly and shoots to fame. and he's earning big bucks from it.

that's something very... weird about that...
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/02/2004 02:56:00 PM

Saturday, May 01, 2004

for the girls.. :)

just saw this on someone's blog... for those who believe in The One.. equipped with white horse or i dunno, white Mercedes or something.. haha...

"Someday my prince will come.

Mine just took a wrong turn, got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions."
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/01/2004 10:43:00 PM

this hols.. gonna be interesting...

a lot of ppl have been asking how i'm gonna spend these 3 months of hols.. at first my answer was: ROT! SLACK! RELAX!

but realized that 3 months is a lot of time to rot, slack and relax away...

of cos i still have my tuition going on... and canoeing course coming up! woo hoo! oh and actually wanted to look out for first aid course.. :) but that din sound like a lot to occupy 3 mths..

just went to school today to hand in my application for speech therapy internship at SGH.. but everything is tentative - need to see my psycholing grade (need to get a GOOD B to qualify), many many hurdles to cross... first.. need to get selected for the half-day attachments - and from there they'll need to see commitment and ability, then go through an interview before they finally select the interns...

i really really wanna get it *crosses fingers*

but anyway i'm in the brain computer interface research thingy for Graham's program... hope it'll be fun! :)
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/01/2004 07:51:00 PM