in thoughts...

Monday, May 17, 2004

sunburnt but oh so fun! :)

went for one star canoeing course over the weekend.
i'm like quite burnt now, cos the sun was so so hot these 2 days.
but man, so fun! thinking of maybe going for the expedition, tho i think i'm still not very good.

oh the instructor speaks like Daniel Chan. HAHA...

it was quite fun kayaking with SY. She's quite good at steering.hee. cos i'm quite hopeless with changing direction. takes me 2 whole seconds to figure out which stroke to use. haha. and she's quite good at balancing, haha. the way i was tipping it, we'd have capsized quite a few times. haha..

but fun. so fun. we went out from kallang to somewhere near east coast (according to instructor - i couldn't really recognize the place), rode the waves a bit when we went there. felt a bit more tedious coming back, mayb was tired by then. but wah, it's amazing how much "muscle" you can increase just from 2 days of rowing. haha.

capsizing. was the thing i was fearing quite a bit. cos dunno how to swim, a bit scary. but with the trusty pfd (personal floating device or something) it was quite okie. the moment from you surface to get fresh air, it's quite quite magical. well, for me lah. haha.. then after capsizing, when i bend my head forward, can still smell the seawater that's stuck at the back of my nose. ;) oh and it was quite funny how me and SY always couldn't manage to rock the kayak hard enough to capsize when we need to do it for capsize drill.. haha.. always need 2 tries.. :)

anyone going for two star course must jio ok? :) this is quite quite fun..
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/17/2004 11:42:00 AM

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