in thoughts...

Thursday, May 06, 2004

yawnz. research on computer brain interface research starts tomorrow. feeling a bit psyched. read the article given by graham. i think i got the gist of it lah. haha.. much better than the articles he gave for tutorial during bio psych. *shakes head at the memory*

went grocery shopping with mom in the morning. quite like going grocery shopping. dun ask me why. it's just nice.

anyway we were at the fresh meats section. Position: my mom standing beside this elderly lady. Me standing behind the two of them, holding the basket for my mom.

elderly lady holds this pack of pig back skin (honestly it doesn't look nice at all :P) and turns to face 2 of us. And asked my mom in Teochew if that was pig skin.

Mom answered yes, and elderly lady started telling her that people say that cooking it with dunno-wat and dunno-wat and dunno-wat is good for the legs.

Mom replied yeah, supposed to have dunno-wat and dunno-wat effect.

me at the side thinking, hmm like that also can have conversation. not bad at all. :) think this is quite common experience for my mom. it still amuses me though, how she can make friends at the supermarket. :)

me and mom were walking back to the bus interchange when we passed by this particular sportswear shop (a famous brand with many chains in singapore). There was this old lady sitting in front of the shop selling her jade bangles and stuff, at the area in front of the glass panel, beside the entrance.

Mom told me that the old lady told her that the manager of this branch was a very nice person, letting her set up her floor store in front of the shop, and even letting her store her goods below one of those racks they place outside. The old lady used to set up store at the area that was more exposed to sun and rain, just adjacent to the new store.

i'm not gonna say which sports store that is, but it's really quite a famous one. And i wouldn't have thought that the manager will do what he did. but still think it's cool what he did. a little "Pay It Forward" kinda thing.. :)
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/06/2004 10:34:00 PM

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