in thoughts...

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

a look into the past...

had been packing my stuff the past week or so, cos dad and mum bought new desk and big big book cabinet for me. now can put all the books nicely. and my whole collection of 金庸小说 finally got a respectable place to be in, rather than being stashed away and hidden by my sister's other stuff.. haha..

was going thru my old stuff. spent quite some time re-reading old letters. i'm quite glad i kept them. and yeap, i'll still be keeping them. it hit me that there were some people who were in my life, that I didn't make the effort to keep them where they were in my life. and they've slipped out of my life. somewhat. and thank goodness for all those funny cliques you make and the weird names you give your group - somehow it keeps you together, even if you dun keep much in contact frequently, when you come together there's still something there, that doesn't make you feel like a stranger.
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/18/2004 11:58:00 AM

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