in thoughts...

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

the final words before THE fight...

one day when i'm really really really free, i'll go watch all the movies that have really big big battle scenes, and then record down what the generals, commanders say to their men just before they go fight the enemy.

all quotes below according to memory. a not very good memory. but the gist of what i love about them is there. :)

from Troy -
Achilles - "You see what lies beyond that beach? Immortality. Take it! It's yours!"
Hector - "All my life I've lived according to these principles: Honor the gods, love your woman, fight for your country. Troy has been Mother to us all, fight for her!"

from LOTR, especially Return of the King -
quite a number from Gandalf and Aragorn, let my brother get the dvd before i post more. Hiak hiak hiak.

from Matrix Reloaded -
Morpheus - "What if the war could end tomorrow? Isn't it worth fighting for? Isn't it worth dying for?"

even some from 寻秦记 :)more on this if i ever get down to doing it.

the final words before the fight. has to inspire the men to be ready to give their best. and maybe that's why i like them so much. a lot of impact. :)
posted by Sodium-squared at 5/26/2004 01:30:00 PM

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