in thoughts...

Sunday, February 29, 2004

A Lil' bit more than Hi-Bye Friends...

Since coming to NUS, got to know many people -
some, you just remember their names, but they don't seem to remember you - no mutual recognition, therefore no conversation
some, you remember each other's names - mutual recognition, but no talk exchanged except for "Hi!" or "Bye!"
some, you know their names, maybe even had the same tutorial group as them - Highest level of talk: "So what modules are you taking this semester?", conversation usually ends with "Hey, I gotta go (insert place name or some tutorial class or lecture), talk to you again... see ya!"

Fri I had E Lang test, but slept at 3am, woke up at 10am I think... Printer ran out of ink, couldn't print out some notes last minute (some forum clarifications on a particular question) so dashed off into AS7 Computer cluster to try to print just before the class (hey, open book test, might as well right? haha... kiasu la I know...) Thought I could settle it in a few minutes, and my lecture room is just in AS7 anyway...

Com cluster was packed like MAD. was hovering around hoping some folks will just siam soon... saw a computer no one was using, tried to log on, but a window popped up saying that the computer has too many registered users or something... So I stood and waited.

Aly came by into the Computer cluster - it's quite weird how we got to know each other - when I turned up for SWAPS AGM in Year 1, we were the only 2 people who didn't go for the FOC but came for AGM, so we kinda stuck together (cos everyone knew everyone else)... We din even talk a lot that night, and we both left before the AGM halfway... Din exchange numbers either.

But we will say Hi everytime we see each other - this "persistance" of saying Hi consistently is quite unusual for me - for people whom I don't really know well, dun get to know better through talk, no chance to keep the connection, somehow the Hi-s become less and less until we degenerate to a level when we seem like we had never spoke to each other before... haha... For the 2 of us we just occasionally ask what modules we're doing... that's it...

But on Fri, she came into the com cluster, we said hi, so she was asking me what's up and all that... so told her I had a test like in 5 minutes... she tried to log on to the computer I tried using, and she actually managed to log on - think she used that computer before and so her settings and stuff are saved in that particular computer... So she actually offered to let me use the computer after she logged on... Was quite touched by her gesture... asked if she was in a hurry, she said no, so I found my stuff and printed them, so she had to go the the computer to enter her userid for me...

Managed to get in class just in time before test started. Felt quite happy that I can know Aly - who's willing to help when I needed it...
posted by Sodium-squared at 2/29/2004 06:26:00 PM

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