in thoughts...

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Valentine's day - it's over!

spent the day at tuition. hah. damn exciting can. hah.

anyway, had more fun the 2 days before V day! went around the school to sing song dedications for people - and had one for Ting as well - would have liked one each for XL, Ly n Steph, but sorry gals... Only available in NUS area ya... ;)

first day was mainly me and dora going round to sing, joined occasionally by Nd and PL - Dora's REALLY REALLY REALLY very good - i like her voice and her playing of the guitar, and her style overall, very casual but so POWER... was very tired after running round the whole day; we even had additional dedications last minute, we took it on since they choose from songs we practised for, and since the timeslots are empty...

second day - more variety of singers... hee... but i was a bit tired already - cos lack of sleep over the past few days... the first song of the morning my voice was a bit coarse... haha... after that had starfruit-pear juice and it was better... skipped bio psych tutorial so I could do Ting's dedication and hear my dedication at swaps table and hear Zhen's dedications as well.. hee...

It was all very tiring, but very fun... haha... It's fun to sing... haha...

oh, should note down here that all the girls in 17th comm got a card from the 17th comm guys... very nice... had all our individual pictures on it, and had messages from the guys... tot it was very nice and sweet of them... ;) and got a nice bear from Sam... sitting at the head of my bed now... and nice balloon sculpted by SY! hee... looks like a hibiscus i think - red and yellow with a pink stalk... also at head of my bed now - bear bear's holding it! hee...

oh and i was quite surprised to find a stalk of orchids at my door when i came back last night... it was from the RA... so, not missing the opportunity to do some PR, I quickly did her a small "bouquet" of lollies... haha... no harm being nice right...*wink wink*
posted by Sodium-squared at 2/15/2004 07:31:00 PM

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