in thoughts...

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Sand and a Distant Star - 在那遥远的星球, 一粒沙... Illusion vs Reality...

People want to watch modified reality - they're not interested in reality.
I suppose that's why drama serials sell. Real but not too real till you feel you're watching TV with an untouchable Plasma screen.

But how do we tell when it's reality and when it's modified reality? I mean, life does take many weird turns - nothing is quite too weird to happen.
Just because something happens less frequently doesn't mean it can't happen.
Just because something happens less frequently doesn't mean it's always considered weird.
Just because something happens less frequently doesn't mean it's not real.
Just because something happens less frequently doesn't mean it must be modified reality.

One man's created illusion can become another's reality.
Sounds a little weird, sounds a little cruel. This is from the show, when they wanted to create an illusion for Ye Ying, so she could get over things. Sounds a little Decartes. Sounds a little surreal.

To hide in a fantasy or face up to reality?
A matter of perception - the conclusion we got after sitting in front of National Library S11.
To be unrealistically hopeful, or hopelessly unrealistic - both can't be good.
Don't be extreme.
posted by Sodium-squared at 2/03/2004 02:53:00 AM

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