in thoughts...

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

feeling the blues... lethargy...

it's a slow feeling that grows on you... like poison, slowly spreading... dunno when it started, can't see when it'll end...

nothing much to make me unhappy about, but nothing much to make me happy about either... moodiness? maybe.. just felt it being a bit more overwhelming after com meeting just now.. went to breathe in fumes from shuttle bus and other vehicles just now - ie went for a jog/walk... felt relatively better... took a cold shower... felt relatively better...

just went up to put my laundry in the dryers - so much laundry that had to use 2 dryers... so loaded the first one liao, looking for a second one - the fastest one to finish will end soon, have to wait 13 minutes - okie, so i just stood around the balcony area near the washing machines to wait, look at dark dark sky... took some deep deep breaths...went back to check - opened the door of the dryer to discover:

that it was EMPTY. It was drying AIR. What the...??!!

well I supposed the few deep breaths at the balcony was making me feel relatively better. but which freaking IDIOT started the dryer on NOTHING??

argh... i should start studying for my BLOODY Bio psych test next week right... so why ain't I doin' it?
posted by Sodium-squared at 2/11/2004 01:42:00 AM

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