in thoughts...

Monday, February 16, 2004

just keep climbing... just keep climbing... hee...

Went for the course with SY yesterday... basic level one course for "sports climbing"... quite fun quite fun... haha... learned how to do belaying for a climber.... it's quite scary to know that you're holding on to a rope that can make or break another person's fall, but when you actually can control it, it's quite fun... though I think our hands all got a bit scraped by the rope cos we were all pulling so hard...

"Am I on belay?"
"Climb on!"

and it's quite fun to climb, though it really takes a lot of technique and brains to do it well... but what the heck, yesterday was just like, got rock to hold just hold, got rock to step just step... anyhow climb... haha... but the really good climbers don't even wear the harness - they just need the chalk for them to keep their hands dry... and their ascent - so so smooth... very cool...
posted by Sodium-squared at 2/16/2004 11:04:00 AM

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