in thoughts...

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Went to Zoo todai!

for animal behaviour project... went to look at the elephants mainly... saw a lot of babies also... and little toddlers.. quite fun... Haven't been to the zoo in ages...think the last time was in primary school... when we were supposed to go as a school to see the Bengal White Tiger, but it rained and we din see a thing...

anyway today, watched the elephant show twice, and hung around their area trying to observe their behaviour... there's also this little hut-like area with showcases and posters about elephants, we went there and found these volunteers who come in on Sundays to tell the public about elephants - answer some queries they have, and show them the exhibits and offer some bits of information... they were almost about to go off already - they're only there for half of every Sunday... but we told them we were doing a project, so one guy was telling us stuff about elephants and answering our questions... think we really took quite some of his time (the other volunteers were hanging around waiting for him to go off together)... but he didn't seem to mind at all... can tell that he's quite passionate about the topic of elephants... can talk on and on... hee... then after lunch we went to talk to one of the elephant trainers - mahouts (dunno how to spell) who told us a bit more about the elephants...

was so tired after the whole thing... we din even manage to walk half of the zoo... haha... other than the elephants we only saw the polar bear show, the primates show and a bit of the sea lions show... hee... will go back and look see look see more when I have time and some company... hee...
posted by Sodium-squared at 2/22/2004 12:40:00 AM

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