in thoughts...

Friday, February 20, 2004

Sleep deprivation and the weirdest dream...

went for a sleep deprivation experiment last night... wah... damn tiring can... but it was quite fun... to get my brain scanned after the whole thing... but it was damn difficult to keep myself from dozing off in the machine while doing the tests... at first when they first put me into the machine it was quite scary - there are loud noises (have to wear ear plugs), but you can still hear the noise, and there was this particular pounding sound that just made my heart pound faster too... then you have to bite this piece of plastic so your head will stay in place and wun move about too much... you're not supposed to swallow either...

wah... no joke leh... was super super tired... I could have fallen asleep standing up... din even flinch when Zhen poked me in the ribs when we reached Clementi MRT... even the ticklish muscles fell asleep... haha..

Came back to hall (it was noon, wah super hot) and just changed and fell unto the bed to sleep... set alarm for 2pm - was idealistically thinking I might be able to catch webcast, but OF COS I pushed the alarm button back down and slept more...

had the weirdest dream... I don't usually remember my dreams, but this one was so CLEAR... so REAL though UTTERLY RIDICULOUS... haha...

Dreamt that I quarrelled with SY... haha... also dunno for what... it's not about the pink underwear.. haha... anyway we had quite a heated argument and I took my stuff and left in a very movie/drama serial kinda way (ie super fast and efficient packing) though of cos in real life it'll take me much longer to pack my stuff.. haha... anyway I stormed off and dashed off to take bus 65 (which is ridiculous cos the bus doesn't come anywhere near to my hall...)

Even more weird - I went on the bus and I sat on the last row and sitting diagonally to me was Gab - someone who was quite well-known in VJC, but I din know him personally... dunno why he was in the dream also (the last time he came into any conversation I had was a very long time ago liao - when ZS asked if I knew him cos we were same batch from VJ...) Anyway he was wearing the white officer uniform (which is damn weird again... cos they dun usually wear that uniform - the one they all wear for Com Ball...) This part of the dream felt weird, it was like deja vu within the dream - when I was dreaming about this part, I felt an awareness that I had dreamt this part before... wah... multi-layered dreaming...

anyway I sat on the bus - the route was totally wrong for bus 65... but anyway at one point in time I looked out of the window and saw 2 huge dogs - those type the Eskimos use for pulling skis and I dunno what... haha...

Feeling weirdly energized now despite lack of sleep... shall try to do my PID CA... argh... haven't started at all... I'm DEAD MEAT, soon to be DEAD BEAT.
posted by Sodium-squared at 2/20/2004 12:22:00 AM

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