in thoughts...

Friday, February 27, 2004


Mission: Midnight surprise chocolate "attack"
Mission status: Failed!!!

argh. So anti-climax. wanted to surprise Ting by popping up at her hall at midnight with chocs to wish her happy 21st. She was at HOME!! haha... damn funny... was already standing on the floor of her block with the chocs when I called her on the phone to ask her to come out of the room...

At midnight:
"Hey Girl! Happy 21st!"
"Can you do me a favour? Can you come out from your room?"
"Huh? *short pause* What are you doing?"
"Just come out la..."
"I'm not in hall leh..."
mental *faint*

Even had Max, who stays at the same hall but different block, do detective work to help me find out which floor she stays on, cos I din wanna ask her directly - too obvious - Ting's too smart for that... haha... sigh... oh well... back to the books - 2 hours before my E Lang Psycholinguistics test! ARGH...
posted by Sodium-squared at 2/27/2004 10:03:00 AM

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