in thoughts...

Monday, February 23, 2004

Employment characteristics of Me! Me! Me! haha...

got this from an email forwarded by YP... quite interesting read... haha... just for fun lah...

*can't save the picture of the 2 grids, oh well...*

The two grids above are called Numerology Grids. The numbers from Joanna's birth date - her Gregorian calendar birth numbers - are inserted into the Western Grid in certain positions. Her birth date is then converted into the Chinese lunar calendar, and the equivalent Lunar birth date numbers are inserted into the Chinese Grid, but in different positions. In this way the Chinese and Western numerological interpretations complement each other.

Character, personality and employment characteristics are gleaned from the position of those numbers in each grid, the quantity of each number, and the lack of numbers. Comments on each number (or sets of numbers) are recorded below. Green arrows represent positive characteristics derived from having three numbers in a row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal), whilst red arrows represent somewhat negative characteristics derived from three blanks in a row. Be aware that to read numerology grids accurately takes a lot of practice, and before acting on what you see here you should study the whole subject in much greater detail. Nor should you disregard the profound influence of genetics and upbringing.

Ki System

Natal Year number: 8
Joanna is a steady, responsible and reliable individual who dislikes change for change's sake. She is a solid family person who enjoys tradition, but is inclined to say exactly what she thinks. Such frankness can occasionally land her in trouble. Behind a somewhat ponderous exterior lies a deeply sensitive soul whose core is rarely exposed to public view.

Natal Month number: 5
A realist who brings a practical approach to problem solving, Joanna's confident outlook will soon lead her to a position of leadership. Because she has developed fixed views on the important things of life, Joanna has an inner core of confidence that will at times make her appear stubborn. Yet such a trait is so well balanced with the gentle side of her nature, that her personality appeals to a wide audience. Wow... I actually wanna believe this part... haha...

Natal House number: 8
Somewhat stubborn when pushed too far, Joanna is inclined to be one of those people who cannot see the wood for the trees. In effect her methodical approach leads her to become immersed in the detail and thus lose touch with the ultimate aim. Although she may be financially successful, she is not one to display that wealth in an ostentatious manner.

Comments based on Western Grid

1 Although Joanna may be reasonably talkative in public, she finds it difficult to express personal feelings to those closest to her. In employment terms, this inhibition is of little consequence.

3 With a creative mind and a good memory, Joanna is honest, straightforward and optimistic. She will achieve her aims. She is capable of creative thought, and will appreciate art and music. She also enjoys an excellent memory - a significant advantage in any employment.

6 Creative yet somewhat insecure, Joanna is a family-orientated person who enjoys domestic responsibilities. She could well be employed in the hospitality industry - perhaps running a hotel, or B & B venture. In an office environment Joanna will be valuable as the individual to whom others will turn for moral support. But home for Joanna is where the heart is, and domestic responsibilities will always be important.

8 Good with details and with a methodical approach, Joanna nevertheless is someone who enjoys constant new challenges to maintain her interest. She is a methodical individual with attention to detail, but is inclined to leave tasks unfinished if her active mind alights on something of greater interest. Routine tasks that fail to challenge her intellect are at greatest risk, so Joanna needs a job that offers variety.

99 Enjoying high intelligence, Joanna is inclined to look down on those who are not as intelligent as she. Oh my GOSH! I'm not such a snotty snob right??!!haha... I'm not that bloody intelligent anyway... haha... Hence she does not mix well with society in general, and in particular with different social strata. Yet Joanna is very ambitious to improve her lot, and will constantly strive for a better standard of living. She also possesses strong humanitarian ideals that may find expression in charitable work.

[The Arrow of Intellect: the numbers 3, 6 and 9] With a good brain and an excellent memory, Joanna is inclined to use her mind at the expense of her emotions. Well-balanced, she will help those around her, even though she tends to look down on those who are not her intellectual equals. Those with the Arrow of Intellect are very employable.

Comments based on Chinese Grid

1 Joanna will make some money and enjoy a reasonable standard of living.

2 Joanna has an average mind, and without the numbers 4 and 9 in the Chinese version will not enjoy a creative existence. nope, I dun have 4 and 9, so no creative existence for moi huh? haha... this is quite an amusing read when you compare the Western Grid and Chinese Grid, so contradicting...

3 Unless Joanna also has in the Chinese version either the numbers 5 and 7, or the numbers 4 and 8, she will be hypersensitive and prone to stress-related problems. Eh, what if I have half half of each??!! haha...

7 If the numbers 3 and 5 in the Chinese version are missing, Joanna is something of a perfectionist who seeks to achieve detailed accuracy, and has a natural instinct to unearth the truth. If the Chinese Grid also contains the numbers 3 and 5, she will be attracted to work in a spiritual or humanitarian field.

8 In the absence (in the Chinese version) of the numbers 1 and 6, she will be good with money and details. She will be happier if the Chinese grid includes the numbers 5 and 7.

99 Joanna is intelligent, and prepared to learn. Without the numbers 3, 5 and 7 in the Chinese version, Joanna is likely to use her head at the expense of her heart, which can lead her to become something of a workaholic.

[The Arrow of Suspicion: Lacking the numbers 4, 5 and 6] Joanna is a cynic who worries too much about the downside. She needs to recognise more of life's advantages.

Can try the test here for yourself...
posted by Sodium-squared at 2/23/2004 12:37:00 AM

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