in thoughts...

Thursday, February 26, 2004

cranky tots...

tue meeting:
was listening quite intently when I heard "... have to hand in their theses..."
started giggling uncontrollably...

say it fast. Don't be lazy about pronouncing the "th".

It sounded terribly like "hand in their feces".

wed dinner:
Eating dinner at Arts Canteen... Chinese rice store... they were about to pack up and finish, looking at the amount of variety left for me to choose from...chose my food, paid the money, was taking my fork and spoon when the uncle asked: "小姐要淋汁 吗?" ("Do you want some gravy?")
Replied: "不用了, 谢谢!" ("Nope, thanks!")
Thinking: 淋汁就不用了, 灵芝我就不介意... (Gravy no need... Reishi I dun mind...)

Pardon me. When you study and study and study but don't seem to remember anything, the mind goes a bit cranky. The smallest thing can seem quite funny. or not.

D: I think my implicit memory's fine, and I do trust it, but I din give it enough input for it to really work for my bio psych test, so... oh well... If I get one-third of my bio test correct I think I must go and buy lottery. 10 MCQ questions - nothing ever seemed more Greek to me. 2 short answer questions - what a bummer, I read that chapter, I did! But can't remember a single thing. Damn. 1 long answer question - about depression, chronic stress, the drugs to take and the drawbacks - the way I was renaming drugs, you'd think I made my own pills... totally forgot the names of the different types of drugs.

Argh. I should really start to hit the books huh? What have I been doing? Right. My new resolution: Hit the books!
*Slaps fist into thick pile of books*
posted by Sodium-squared at 2/26/2004 07:43:00 PM

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