in thoughts...

Sunday, February 29, 2004

Feeling gud.... ;)

yesterday - a good day... had nice breakfast (Mum made her unique carrot cake with prawns and sotong... drool...). Had nice tuition session with R. Had time to go look see look see at John Little sale at White Sands before my tuition with B(but nothing much to buy... oh well). Had an okay tuition session with B (where he kept trying to tell me stupid jokes).

Met SY at TM before we headed by to school by bus 10 - had dinner at Fong Seng (Yum). Then 2 of us rushed back to hall to bathe before meeting ZS for the production by Chinese Soc, 心酝. Went back to hall, then SY and me went running (okie, jogging for me lah, cos I'm super slow... hee). Felt super good after that - haven't run without stopping for so long, din even feel like I needed to stop (woo hoo... endorphin high?)

Walked to Zhen's house from school after that - cos no more bus 96 running at that time... talked talked talked with SY on the way there, so though the walking journey took quite long, it din feel that long. Reached Zhen's place, dunno if she sleeping or bathing - her room lights were out - SY started fiddling with the top window panes - open close open close - think I'd freak out if I were sleeping and my window panes started moving... haha... but she just finished bathing so she came over to the window and discovered us standing there... haha... quite funny...

Sat in her room, talked a bit, then started walking back. Reached hall about 330am. Man... this must be the hall life... haha... late nights, surprise visits, super late night showers (or early morning showers - depending on how you see it...)

hmm interesting blend of Chinese drama, singing, dance and chinese orchestra. But the drama... left me feeling like it could have been better. not enough character development and story development, I feel. I would have wanted to know more - especially about 杰 and his relationship with his sister, and how his sister was affected by him and their father...

Singing was not bad - YZ from my Secondary School Choir was doing supporting vocals for the main singer for 2 songs - turns out she's one of the group leaders for the singing group... Her voice damn zai one... last time she had the role of Cosette when our choir did the Les Misérables musical as part of our performance...

Dancing - yeah well, spotted a girl which I thought danced really well - turns out she's one of the group leaders for dance... really natural and graceful - has quite an angelic face too... :)

CO - it's quite a small group... SY was saying that she likes the "big works" kinda CO songs - with 唢呐 and all those other types of instruments... ZS was saying they sound a bit "hollow" without the cellos and bass... Listening to CO music always reminds me of Xinli...hee... when was the last CO concert we went to together? One year ago ya? DHSCO performance... ;)
posted by Sodium-squared at 2/29/2004 03:06:00 PM

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