in thoughts...

Saturday, March 06, 2004

So fun... Muahahah...

Doing E Lang Psycholinguistics Project now...

Psycholinguistics quite reminds me of Cognitive Psych, but of course full emphasis is on language...
we're supposed to do a project - approach people to help us do experiment... word task... did a "pilot test" with SY, Gaozi and Nd... Don't tell the rest k? Need to find more participants.. hee...

quite fun... in a "sea" of E Lang majors, I suddenly feel like I have an edge cos I know a wee bit more about conducting experiments... counterbalancing and all that... starting to feel fun... haha...

dunno why it doesn't feel so fun when we're doing experiment during stats lesson leh... maybe because your group mates all know what to do also, and your participants are VERY clear about what you're trying to do also...

for this e lang project my group mates (well 2 of them... one other group mate is a fellow psych major hee..) seem to trust us (the 2 psych majors) to settle and tell them the technical aspects of doing expt...

woo hoo... I'm starting to like my modules again!! haha...
posted by Sodium-squared at 3/06/2004 12:34:00 AM

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